Android-FilePicker copied to clipboard
> I will upgrade it once stable release of 3.2 is out.
3.2 out, will you release an update?
Originally posted by @pacosta in
@DroidNinja any update for this threads?
I don't think we can do anything until an update from Google.
I fork this repository (, update Support Libraries (commit 6ad1c9b3) and replace Predicate
interface (commit 2317d11a). With this, I generate a custom AAR (tasks clean assembleRelease
) and include in my project:
implementation files('libs/filepicker-release.aar')
May not be the best solution, but this solve the problem :)
try out new version 2.2.0
with androidx
try out new version
with androidx
after updating FilePickerBuilder.Companion.getInstance() .setMaxCount(maxCount) .setActivityTheme( .setActivityTitle(getString(R.string.select_photo)) .enableVideoPicker(false) .enableCameraSupport(false) .showGifs(false) .showFolderView(true) .enableSelectAll(false) .enableImagePicker(true) .withOrientation(Orientation.PORTRAIT_ONLY) .pickPhoto(this);
i am getting compile time error: cannot access Fragment class file for not found |
Any update on this issue? I too get the compile time error: cannot access Fragment class file for not found @DroidNinja