Hossein Abbasi
Hossein Abbasi
The error is gone but, there is no output after running `Start DreamBooth` cell in the google drive:
It's available on [2.3.17](https://github.com/Drjacky/ImagePicker/releases/tag/2.3.17)
Please try [2.3.17](https://github.com/Drjacky/ImagePicker/releases/tag/2.3.17). I have tried to delete both of them. Now you have the cropped one URI; Do whatever you want with that.
Please try `setOutputFormat` from [2.3.17](https://github.com/Drjacky/ImagePicker/releases/tag/2.3.17) and let me know if it helped in your case or not. https://github.com/Drjacky/ImagePicker/issues/51
@tellypresence I have the exact need you mentioned. Do you have any working sample?
@tellypresence I've found this: https://github.com/google-ar/sceneform-android-sdk/tree/master/samples/gltf. Hope it helps you too.
> Hello, > I am currently trying to make an ArCore app and since SceneForm is now (officially?) deprecated and my OpenGL knowledge is not enough for pure ArCore I...
@wajahatkarim3 I'm referring to Paging 3. This is my test: ```kotlin @RunWith(JUnit4::class) class ProductsListViewModelTest { private lateinit var viewModel: ProductsListViewModel @get:Rule var instantExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule() @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi @get:Rule var coroutineRule =...
@wajahatkarim3 Have you found the solution for this?
@manojVivek Still doesn't work - Today: Sep 28, 2021 P.S Clearing cookies did the trick.