drizzleDumper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
drizzleDumper copied to clipboard


Results 12 drizzleDumper issues
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```make LOCAL_ARM_MODE := arm64-v8a all: check build check: ifeq (, $(shell which ndk-build)) $(error "No 'ndk-build' in PATH, please install Android NDK and configure properly") endif build: ndk-build APP_ABI="arm64-v8a" NDK_PROJECT_PATH=....

when i use this tool, it keeps dumping .dex again and again. it seems ret in find_magic_memory in the code will never change. so where and how to change the...



用android studio 签名的系统jks一直报Package xx.xx has no signatures that match those in shared user android.uid.system; ignoring!。但是用java -jar signapk.jar platform.x509.pem platform.pk8 old.apk new.apk签名的系统apk可以正常运行。platform.x509.pem 和platform.pk8都是同一个,有谁碰到?