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Creative Portfolio
The personal Portfolio website showcases projects, skills, and blogs to share experiences. The website is built using Next.js as a Static Site Generator, GSAP for animations, and Lenis Scroll for smooth scrolling. Contentful SDK is integrated to use it as a CMS for managing Projects.
Key Features
The website is built with Next.js, a powerful static site generator that offers improved performance, SEO, and user experience.
Animation with GSAP
GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is used to incorporate animations and visual effects, making the website more interactive and engaging.
Smooth Scrolling
Lenis Scroll integration ensures a smooth scrolling experience, enhancing user navigation throughout the website.
Contentful as CMS
Integration of Contentful SDK enables easy content management for projects, allowing the user to update and manage content seamlessly.
Attractive UI Design
The website boasts an appealing user interface, crafted using custom design, making it visually pleasing and user-friendly.
Folder Structure
│ ├───(home)
│ │ └───components
│ │
│ └───projects
│ └───[slug]