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Unity DOTS custom skinned mesh rendering prototype for the Latios Framework

Kinemation Skinning Prototype

This is a Unity DOTS project built upon Puppet-Test for the purpose of developing a new skinning solution known as Kinemation as part of the Latios Framework.

This prototype is NOT ready for production.

The procedural animation is still done with 10 reference game objects, but these are used to drive 10k entity dancers.

The latest master commit uses DOTS 0.50 and Unity 2020.3.30f1.

How to Test

The project contains two important scenes: Party DOTS and Part DOTS Optimized. The former uses an entity per bone in each dancer. The latter uses dynamic buffers to represent the bones.

Each scene contains a Toggle game object with two checkboxes. If Enable Hybrid is checked, skinning and rendering is handled completely by the Hybrid Renderer using compute deformations. If it is unchecked, skinning and rendering is handled by the Kinemation solution, which uses a different compute deformation design. If Enable Blending is checked, each dancer entity will blend randomly between two of the ten reference game object-based procedural dancers. This can be quite expensive. If unchecked, each entity dancer will copy the pose of one of the reference procedural dancers.


Do not modify the toggle checkboxes while in play mode. The controls affect conversion.

Design and Goals

Kinemation was designed primarily with two goals in mind:

  • Provide an API and backend systems for driving skeletal animation from normal ECS systems (no animation graph required).
  • Improve GPU performance by sacrificing some CPU performance.

In Kinemation, skinning is driven by skeletons, and there are two types:

  • Exposed – Each bone is an Entity
    • Intuitive for programmers and saves development time
    • Much more viable with DOTS than with game objects
    • Automatic hierarchy updates via Transform System
    • Great for procedurally-generated data
  • Optimized – Bones are stored in packed Dynamic Buffers
    • Faster on CPU than Exposed
    • Better data locality when animation logic is simple
    • Hierarchy updates dispatched manually
    • Exported bone support
    • Great for fully authored data

Differences from Unity’s Animation and Hybrid Renderer Packages

For optimized hierarchies (what the animation package always uses), Unity stores the bind poses and hierarchy information in dynamic buffers, while Kinemation stores this information in blob assets.

Unity requires meshes be marked as Read-Write enabled at runtime. Kinemation only requires read-write access at conversion time, as it stores skinning data in a blob asset using a custom compute-optimized data structure.

Unity handles bone hierarchies in root space, and reparents all skinned meshes to the root. This matches the Skinned Mesh Renderer behavior of game objects. Kinemation operates in skeletal reference space and leaves the hierarchy as is.

Unity uses Immutable compute buffers and creates a compute shader dispatch for each unique mesh. Kinemation uses SubUpdate compute buffers for per-frame data and a single compute shader dispatch can process many different meshes at once.

Unity Exclusive Features

Unity’s solution currently supports Blend Shapes. These are not currently supported in Kinemation but will be in a future release. Similarly, Unity supports 4-bone vertex skinning. Kinemation is compute-only.

Unity has occlusion-culling. Kinemation disables this for the entire project. More research is required to make it work correctly with Kinemation.

Lastly, Unity has fully animation clip sampling and blending system with authoring tools and workflows. This prototype version does not have anything like that. The first release version will have simple code-driven animation clip support. Unlike Unity, runtime conversion will be supported (assuming that’s still a thing by then).

Kinemation Exclusive Features

Kinemation has true frustum culling support for skeletons. This means that animated meshes will have proper bounds updated every frame. In addition, only meshes that pass culling and LOD selection will be skinned on the GPU. Note that frustum culling is per-skeleton rather than per-mesh.

Kinemation has a rebinding system which allows for fast and intuitive binding and rebinding of meshes to skeletons at runtime as long as the mesh was designed for the same number of bones as the skeleton. This is useful for things like character customizations where all customizations are skinned to the same base skeleton in the DCC package.

Kinemation does not require any bones to be exposed during conversion of an optimized skeleton.

How It Works

Kinemation has five primary entity archetypes:

  • Skinned RenderMesh
  • Exposed Bone
  • Exposed Skeleton
  • Exported Bone
  • Optimized Skeleton

The data associated with these archetypes are designed to minimize random memory accesses where possible.

It is also worth noting that Kinemation makes use of several features of the Latios Framework. Also, the current systems are not all placed in the most correct locations in the player loop for simplicity of prototyping. However, now that the design is mostly complete, this section will typically call out the intended correct locations for these systems.


Currently, a single conversion system is responsible for generating all components and blobs. Each Skinned Mesh Renderer gets classified as belonging to an exposed skeleton, an optimized skeleton, or an invalid skeleton. Conversion then typically involves converting the entire skeletons and all skinned meshes using it at once. The shared meshes get converted separately to blobs.

For optimized skeletons, the bone hierarchy data needs to be extracted. A temporary Game Object gets instantiated and AnimatorUtility.DeoptimizeGameObjectHierarchy() exposes all the underlying transforms as GameObjects for analysis. Currently, a hack component exists for identifying exposed bones, and this solution likely won’t work for prefabs referenced in subscenes.

Binding Reactive System

SkeletonMeshBindingReactiveSystem is the first system to process converted entities at runtime. As its name suggests, this is a reactive system. It generates a sync point when necessary and reacts to new and deleted skeletons as well as new and deleted meshes. It also reacts to rebindings via changes to the BindSkeletonRoot component, although this does not incur a sync point. Existence and bindings are assumed to be relatively persistent, so this system tries to perform many expensive random-access operations in order to avoid such operations in per-frame updates.

One of these operations is skinning source data allocation inside the two mesh compute buffers. One compute buffer stores the mesh vertices, while the other stores the weights. New and dead mesh blobs get collected into an UnsafeParallelBlockList and an IJob processes this during the sync point. This job maintains a MeshGpuManager collection component which handles all the occupied and free ranges of meshes as well as reference counts. It also generates an upload command list for a future system.

The second operation is exposed skeleton culling index linking. Each unique exposed skeleton gets assigned an index which needs to be synchronized with all of its exposed bones. These indices will be used to index bit arrays for optimally passing culling information from bones to the skeleton, avoiding expensive cache-thrashing random accesses.

The third operation is the actual binding changes between meshes and skeletons. These are also recorded in an UnsafeParallelBlockList. The recorded operations are sorted and batched during the sync point. Then after the sync point, a job runs through all skeletons and updates all data related to the bindings. Skeletons keep a list of bound mesh entities in the dynamic buffers. They also cache references to GPU memory for the mesh skinning source data. And lastly, each mesh blob contains bounding spheres for the mesh for each bone. The skeletons use this to bake bounding spheres for all bound meshes for each bone. In the case of exposed skeletons, this also gets forwarded to all the individual bones via random access.

This system is set to run in the presentation structural changes system group. However, it can be run multiple times per frame at different locations if moving its sync point is beneficial.

Optimized Skeleton Bone Export

Optimized skeletons have the ability to export bone transforms to external entities. Currently, this export is done using a LocalToWorld [WriteGroup] override. However, this will be replaced to use LocalToParent for the official release. The change will remove the need for a system like TempFixExportedTransformsSystem to be scheduled so precariously around the TransformSystemGroup when exported bones have children and skeletons have parents.

Skeleton and Bone Bounds Update

SkeletonBoundsUpdateSystem is responsible for updating both optimized skeleton and exposed bone bounds. Optimized skeletons calculate a world-space AABB for the entire skeleton hierarchy. Exposed bones calculate a world-space AABB for each bone individually. Both archetypes update a chunk bounds component when necessary. Change and order version filtering are both used.

Compute Deform Buffer Allocation

Kinemation makes use of the same Shader variables and skinning buffer format as Unity. That means that any shader graph shader using the Compute Deformation node or any custom shader compatible with Hybrid Renderer’s compute deformation skinning will be compatible with Kinemation. Each RenderMesh gets a material instance property with an index into a compute deformation vertices buffer. This buffer reserves memory for all deformed vertices for all deforming RenderMesh instances in the ECS World. A downside to this is that this buffer gets huge and wasteful. More research is needed to resolve this.

Because the buffer memory is valuable, indices are reassigned every frame to reduce fragmentation. ChunkComputeDeformMemoryMetadata maintains state for this process. UpdateChunkComputeDeformMetadataSystem looks for changed meshes or structural changes and caches vertex counts and chunk counts in the chunk component. These results are used by AllocateDeformedMeshesSystem which iterates the meta-chunks in a single-threaded job and computes prefix sums at the chunk level. Iterating over meta-chunks like this is incredibly fast and effectively removes the performance penalty of a single-threaded prefix sum. Once the prefix sums are computed, a parallel job distributes unique vertices to the individual entities.

It is worth noting the buffer index assignment assigns lower indices to meshes rendered the previous frame. This was an experiment and currently serves no practical purpose.

Per Frame Setup

The Hybrid Renderer uses the BatchRendererGroup API to provide drawing information into the engine. This API invokes a culling callback each time culling needs to occur. Culling occurs multiple times per frame, usually while the Scriptable Render Pipeline code is executing. When profiling play mode in the editor, three callbacks happen per frame. One is for the main camera, one is for shadows, and one is for the scene view.

Kinemation dispatches skinning during these culling callbacks in order to avoid skinning invisible meshes. Skinning only has to happen once per visible mesh across all culling callbacks, so Kinemation caches skinning state in components on both skeleton and mesh entities. This data needs to be reset each frame prior to culling callbacks. ClearPerFrameSkinningDataSystem performs this.

Skeletons cache which bone matrix buffer and bone offsets they used when first skinning a batch of meshes. This is useful when different mesh LODs bound to the same skeleton are selected during different culling callbacks.

Meshes store three Booleans in a byte-sized component. One of these is the selected LOD. This never gets cleared and is kept up-to-date in the LOD selection system. The second is whether the mesh should be rendered for a given callback. This is cleared for every callback and also at the beginning of the frame. The third flag specifies whether the mesh was rendered at least once during the frame by a previous callback. When this flag is set, the mesh has had a skinning dispatch for the frame.

Source Mesh Data Upload

All Compute Buffers are pooled using a type called ComputeBufferTrackingPool. A Collection Component wraps this and exists on the worldBlackboardEntity. BeginPerFrameMeshSkinningBuffersUploadSystem is responsible for creating this. It updates the pool using async readback fences to ensure SubUpdate buffers get recycled properly. It then reserves mesh buffer sizes and populates the source mesh upload buffers in jobs. However, it does not submit the buffers, but rather leaves that state in a MeshGpuUploadBuffers collection component for the next user to finish and dispatch. Usually, the buffers writes are committed and the upload compute shaders are dispatched during the first culling callback. However, if no culling callback is performed, this system will perform these steps at the beginning of the next frame to ensure the GPU stays in sync with the CPU allocation management.

Latios Hybrid Renderer Replacement

Unfortunately, Unity’s Hybrid Renderer does not support custom culling. This is something they are working on, but Kinemation couldn’t wait. The solution is to replace Unity’s Hybrid Renderer with a custom one using a different culling callback.

This replacement does several things differently. First, it forces all batch bounds to the max extents (1e9f) for any chunks containing skinned meshes.

Second, it creates the KinemationCullingSuperSystem.

And third, in the culling callback, it places all the callback arguments into a collection component and then invokes Update() on the KinemationCullingSuperSystem. Once the update finishes, it returns the collection component’s JobHandle.

Skeleton LODs Update

Inside the culling callback, the first system to run is UpdateSkinnedLODsSystem. This system runs what is essentially the LOD update job from Unity’s Hybrid Renderer. However, there are a few modifications.

First, the LODs have to be propagated to the per-mesh-entity flags so skeleton culling can easily look them up via entity in a job.

Second, Unity’s implementation had some issues managing state and change filters using EntityQuery dependencies. But with a proper system, this could be corrected. Admittedly, these fixes haven’t really been tested yet. But the opportunity is real.

Per Camera Setup

The second system to run is ClearPerCameraFlagsSystem. And by this point, it should be pretty obvious what this system does. It clears the per-camera flag on the byte-sized component attached to skinned meshes.

What is less obvious is that it also assigns its GlobalSystemVersion to an ICD on the worldBlackboardEntity. This allows future systems to detect changes to the flags relative to this system.

Frustum Culling and Skinning

SkeletonFrustumCullingAndSkinningDispatchSystem should probably be split into multiple systems. But for now, it exists as a mega system and does many things.

First, it performs culling on exposed bones. Bones which are visible mark a bit in a per-thread UnsafeBitArray associated with their exposed skeleton culling index, which was set up by the binding reactive system. For 10k skeletons, each thread has 1.3 kB of bits to potentially mark. This easily fits in L1 cache making these random-access marks extremely cheap. And that’s important, because these marks have to happen for each bone. For a skeleton that is visible, nearly all bones in it will have to mark their visibility.

After this job, the UnsafeBitArrays get collapsed into one using bitwise-OR operations.

The third job is CullAndCollectMeshMetadataJob. This job identifies visible skeletons and queues up skinning metadata commands. For exposed skeletons, it uses the UnsafeBitArray to determine visibility. For optimized skeletons, it performs frustum culling directly on the optimized skeleton bounds. For each exposed skeleton, it looks up all mesh flags and checks their state. Meshes yet to be skinned have the skeleton index in chunk and the mesh dynamic buffer index stored in a NativeStream along with the mesh’s Compute Deform material property index. For all visible meshes with enabled LODs, flags are updated to mark the mesh as visible per frame and per camera. The job also stores counts relative to the number of meshes requiring skinning as well as which bone matrix buffer to use.

The fourth and fifth jobs prefix sum the counts so that a metadata compute buffer can be populated with the correct offsets in parallel.

The sixth job is WriteBuffersJob, and it calculates the skin matrices and writes them to a compute buffer. It also writes the metadata buffer for specifying offsets to the skeletons and meshes the compute shader needs to index. All of this data has either been calculated via the prefix sums or was cached in the skeleton. For exposed skeletons, this job pays the cost of random-accessing the LocalToWorld of all the individual bones, but it only does so for skeletons that require skinning.

While all these jobs are running, the main thread stays busy juggling collection components, dispatching mesh uploads, and priming the compute skinning shader. Finally, it force-completes all the jobs so that it can end the writes to the compute buffers and dispatch the compute skinning shader. It finally binds the deformed data to the global buffer.

Unskinned LODs Update

Because skinning requires force-completing jobs, unskinned LODs update in a separate system after skinning dispatch. This is the same as the skinning LOD update, except there are no skinning-specific flags to update.

Batch Renderer Group Visibilities

The last system to run is CullUnskinnedRenderersAndUpdateVisibilitiesSystem. This system does the frustum culling logic that the Hybrid Renderer normally does. However, it only does this check for the unskinned meshes. The Hybrid Renderer updates the batch renderer group visibilities in the frustum culling job, so this job does the same. However, for skinned meshes, instead of chunk bounds and world bounds test, this job uses the change version since the flag clearing and then checks the flags for chunks that changed.

One other aspect to this system is that it uses temp memory allocated in the job for scratch indices rather than allocate all the memory prior to the job. This is a little faster.

The Batch Skinning Shader

With all the systems discussed, there’s only one piece left in the puzzle, and that is the compute shader. This thing is weird, but fast. It takes advantage of two aspects common to most GPUs.

First, many GPUs have dedicated on-chip memory which maps to HLSL’s groupshared variables. In DX11, this memory is required to be 32 kB per thread group. That is enough to fit 682 bone matrices. So as an optimization, each skeleton is assigned a threadgroup. Skeletons with less than 683 bones will store the matrices in groupshared memory at the beginning of the shader and then run a group barrier. After this, the thread group processes all meshes bound to the skeleton, using the cached matrices for fast lookups. This optimization is especially fast on AMD and Nvidia GPUs. But modern Adreno (Qualcomm) GPUs, PowerVR GPUs (older iOS devices), and Apple designed GPUs (modern iOS and Apple Silicon) all have this hardware. Even very recent intel integrated graphics adopted this on-chip memory in their GEN11 architecture. That just leaves ARM Mali and older Intel integrated GPUs where this optimization doesn’t work. But that can be detected at runtime so Kinemation can use a slightly different shader for those cases. This isn’t implemented yet in the prototype. One other caveat is that the threadgroup size is set to 1024 threads, which is optimal for desktop GPUs but might be too high for mobile. Fortunately, the shader can be easily tweaked to work with smaller thread groups.

The second optimization is with how bone weights are stored. Traditionally, all bone weights for a given vertex are stored adjacent in memory. A second buffer specifies the starts and counts for the weights. There are two problems with this. The first is that we need two buffers just for weights. The second is that this thrashes GPU caches. Unlike CPU caches, the GPU caches are designed for throughput and coalesce reads and writes across multiple GPU threads. In other words, data locality is emphasized and temporal locality is not really a thing. A batch of threads in a thread group work in lockstep for evaluating the first weight, and then the second, and then the third, and so on. So naturally, the GPU could benefit if all the first weights for a batch of threads were packed together, and then the second, and so on. And so that is how Kinemation stores the weights. It steals the high bits of the bone index to encode linked-list offsets to the next weights for a given vertex. It also uses a negative weight to signal that it is the last weight. And batches of vertices are prefixed with batch linked list to help threads along. Much of this logic relies on a shared threadgroup scalar processor which many GPUs also have and get further speedups from. This is known as “Scalarization”.

My personal GPU is an R9 390, which is very similar to the GPU in the PS4 Pro. One thing about these GCN GPU architectures is that to get good GPU utilization with max groupshared memory usage, only 32 vector registers (VGPRs) can be used. Unlike Unity’s compute shader which uses 36, this one uses between 26 and 28. To be fair, Unity uses smaller threadgroup sizes where this doesn’t matter as much. But still, achieving high utilization is possible, even when processing multiple meshes in a single threadgroup.

One last thing, each bone weight has 7 unused bits that I don’t know what to do with. Any ideas?


Regarding performance, while I made a strong effort to keep CPU costs down as much as possible, my goal was to improve GPU performance.

GPU Performance

The benchmark only involves one skinned mesh per skeleton with that mesh being shared by all entities. This is best-case-scenario for the Hybrid Renderer skinning. Yet despite this, between 1k and 10k dancers, the simulation will become GPU-bound and the main thread will block on compute buffer uploads. At 10k dancers, frames take between 25 and 30 milliseconds on my system.

But with Kinemation, the frustum culling significantly reduces the GPU load. 10k dancers are CPU-bound running well-above 60 FPS. And Windows reports GPU utilization at only 50% compared to the 100% with the Hybrid Renderer. The Hybrid Renderer does perform frustum culling on the mesh instances, so this difference is entirely from compute skinning.

I also tested a slightly modified simulation where frustum culling was disabled to compare raw skinning performance. Kinemation skinning is 1.5x faster.

CPU Performance

This is where things get tricky. When not GPU-bound, Kinemation performs worse. But that’s not because the algorithms are slower. It is because Kinemation is doing a lot more work per frame. It is doing bounds updates for all the bones in the skeleton, which adds up to 220k bones. It also endures a significant constant overhead in the culling callbacks since it runs multiple systems in there.

One possible optimization may be to replace the exposed bone culling algorithm to use bounding spheres instead of bounding boxes.

Another optimization would be running more main-thread logic in Burst.

Lastly, dynamic buffer capacities were left at default values. These should probably be tuned to reflect common use cases.

In any case, if you have ideas to further improve performance, please reach out to me!

What’s Next?

There is quite a bit of work remaining before Kinemation is ready for release. Here are the planned changes:

  • Basic animation clip support
  • Skinning shader variants for up to 32k bones
  • Skinning shader variants for specific GPUs
  • Full renaming pass to improve on API consistency
  • Properly ordered systems and an installation mechanism
  • Removal of the Hybrid Renderer skinning mode
  • Support for more prefab configurations
  • SubScene and optimization support
  • Exported bones using LocalToParent instead of LocalToWorld
  • Project configuration validation
  • Documentation


Kinemation and Latios Framework are licensed under the Unity Companion License.

Everything else including all assets in Assets/_Code and Assets/Scenes and Prefabs is CC0.