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不支持 L2D 的 SDK3 模型
从网上找到大佬解包少鸽手游的模型1,丢上服务器发现不显示。 查了一下发现json格式不对,跑l2d官网一看才发现是版本的问题,大佬您的插件只支持旧sdk2.1的json加mtn文件,不支持新的sdk3模型。 翻了issues发现有人遇到过这种情况(就是那个血小板的)。里面提到了jad大佬用Cubism3Editor直接3转2的方法2。但是这个方法转出来的模型有bug,而且前提是要能拿到模型的源文件(.cmox等)。游戏中解包拿到的肯定是导出过的模型,只能view不能edit,所以方法不可用。 几年前的老游戏用的还是sdk2.1,这几年都是sdk3了,官方也已淘汰2...然而翻了jad大佬和另外几位大佬的repo,好像都是2的... (jad大佬好像说过升级sdk很难... (那我这种菜鸡萌新只能等新的大佬写出新版本了15551
这个问题我也老早就注意到了,其实 L2D 官方已经推出了 SDK3 的版本,但是在版权上管理的非常严格,无法直接发布在项目里面... 可以看看 @Himehane 写的 这篇文章
啊又一个大佬出现了(wsl @Himehane 再次仔细拜读了您的文章,忽略看不懂的技术细节,我理解的版权限制就是官方不让修改原项目的几个js的代码,请问这样说对么? 那么如果基于这个几个js再去开发其他博客框架的插件,应该不算违反吧? 另外不让二次分发的意思,是不是我不能直接clone您的插件repo到我自己的网站并使用,必须要去原项目下载js再使用这样子绕圈子么? 真心感谢大佬们的协助! (另外由于我的不仔细读文章所以删了一条回复,好像会给Paul大佬造成困扰,再次表示抱歉了…
官方的那个项目只是针对WP的博客框架,如果是其他的,就像我那样写,就只是普通html静态网页都能实现,二次分发你可以理解为指定licence的项目文件在内将源码作为公开的链接提供他人使用,官方那个js确实受地域问题会屏蔽,这个我也告诉过官方staff,还是我文章中写的,自己使用,请保留指定licence的文件中提及不允许改动的代码不要修改,指定不要运行分发的代码二次分发,好比项目中将core内的js提交到github等平台。 总之,我想强调的是,官方开源了SDK的,你可以去找,但是,官方不允许分发这个SDK,我之所以在文章中强调是因为开源当中也有许多注意的地方,作为不太了解licence的开发者应该多多注意,避免不必要的纠纷,毕竟大型企业开发的项目都不是很愿意使用完全开源的框架,毕竟商业纠纷在企业看的很重。
所以就是自己使用的话,从官方下载sdk,不能修改js代码,不能把sdk内容再次传到git上或是链接给他人,但是基于这些代码的个人添加是允许的,也不用经过staff确认,是这样么? 再次感谢大佬这么耐心的为我解释…
额…其实不是我github上的网站想用,是另一个有租了单独服务器的网站,那么直接上传服务器应该没问题吧… 由于我水平实在有限,大佬的写法我可能还需要一些时间研究… 实在是太感谢大佬今日的帮助了…
客气了,我也是看到issues提醒来看下的。 自己的服务器是可以,你还可以学习一下如何防止别人盗链,就能防止至少不会被直接在别人的博客里面引用你的js文件这样,包括css html都可以。 最好这样做。
Testing site link. That link's second outfit is Live2D SDK4 model. Looks tiny but still has working head/body touch areas.
I managed to replace l2d.js
dependency with PIXI module. I guess it is safe to use as there is no modifications nor distribution on Cubism SDK this way.
Additionally touch events are also working as intended, at least for models that has proper hit_areas_custom
and motion entries in .json
However I have a question, to expand additional menus to Pio I need to modify pio.js
directly. And to disable size check and show on Mobile I need to also edit pio.css
. Even more, cdn service is serving 2019 version of pio
which is too old. All things considered, is it allowed to edit and upload pio
files to my own repository? I am not still clear how GPL2.0 should work, and I have no intention of making it private.
Testing site link. That link's second outfit is Live2D SDK4 model. Looks tiny but still has working head/body touch areas.
I managed to replace
dependency with PIXI module. I guess it is safe to use as there is no modifications nor distribution on Cubism SDK this way.Additionally touch events are also working as intended, at least for models that has proper
and motion entries in.json
.However I have a question, to expand additional menus to Pio I need to modify
directly. And to disable size check and show on Mobile I need to also editpio.css
. Even more, cdn service is serving 2019 version ofpio
which is too old. All things considered, is it allowed to edit and uploadpio
files to my own repository? I am not still clear how GPL2.0 should work, and I have no intention of making it private.
You can use Pio for your repository, but it can only be used GPL2. and you can make a "Pull Request" for this project too, I think create a new branch for SDK4 is better that replace all files for SDK2. Thanks for your help~
I am also fine with GPL2 being applied to my codes too, I'll simply set whole javascript folder on repository as GPL2.
About creating PR, since this relies on PIXI module I am afraid if this would cause compatibility issues with configurations other than Plain HTML and Github-Pages. I made #18 and will be discussing there :)