XMDatePicker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
XMDatePicker copied to clipboard

This is a datePicker which you can set as what you want(这个时间选择器你可以自由定义).


This is a datePicker which you can set as what you want(这个时间选择器你可以自由定义).

1 How to use

1.1 You can set datepicker's label color

self.datePicker.selectedLabelColor = [UIColor yellowColor];

self.datePicker.otherLabelColor = [UIColor blueColor];

1.2 You can set datePicker's text

self.datePicker.selectedTextFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17];
self.datePicker.selectedTextColor = [UIColor blueColor];

self.datePicker.otherTextFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15];
self.datePicker.otherTextColor = [UIColor grayColor];

1.3 You can set separator's color and width

// color
self.datePicker.seperateLineColor = [UIColor redColor];
self.datePicker.seperatorWidth = 60;

1.4 You can select datePicker separator's type. There are three types by default.  


self.datePicker.pickerViewType = PickerViewTypeLongSperator;

//Dynamic seperate line

self.datePicker.pickerViewType = PickerViewTypeDynamicSperator;

//Static seperate line

self.datePicker.pickerViewType = PickerViewTypeStaticSperator;

1.5 Date show type.There are five types by default.

//yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

 self.datePicker.dateShowType = DateShowingTypeYMDHM;

//yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

 self.datePicker.dateShowType = DateShowingTypeYMDHMS;

//yyyy-MM-dd HH

self.datePicker.dateShowType = DateShowingTypeYMDH;


self.datePicker.dateShowType = DateShowingTypeYMD;

//MM-dd HH:mm

self.datePicker.dateShowType = DateShowingTypeMDHM;

//dd HH:mm

self.datePicker.dateShowType = DateShowingTypeDHM;

1.6 You are free to set row height and component width of the datePicker

 self.datePicker.componentWidth = 70;
 self.datePicker.rowHeight = 30;

1.7 You can set date unit

 self.datePicker.yearUnit = @"年";
 self.datePicker.monthUnit = @"月";
 self.datePicker.dayUnit = @"日";
 self.datePicker.hourUnit = @"时";
 self.datePicker.miniteUnit = @"分";
 self.datePicker.secondUnit = @"秒"

picture 1


picture 2


picture 3



2.1 cocoaPods

pod XMDatePicker

2.2 Manual import

1 Drag all files in the XMDatePicker folder to your progect

2 improt the main file  #import "XMDatePicker.h"

3 Method excute

3.1 Excute - (void)showPickerView

(调用方法- (void)showPickerView展示pickerView)

3.2 Implement protocol method

There are two protocol methods Which are - (void)pickerView:(XMDatePicker *)pickerView didSelectedDateString:(NSString *)dateString and - (void)pickerView:(XMDatePicker *)pickerView didClickOkButtonWithDateString:(NSString *)dateString.

If you need not click the confirmation button transmit date strings, you can implement the first method, otherwise the second.

有两个代理方法,分别是- (void)pickerView:(XMDatePicker *)pickerView didSelectedDateString:(NSString *)dateString- (void)pickerView:(XMDatePicker *)pickerView didClickOkButtonWithDateString:(NSString *)dateString,如果你不需要点击“确认”按钮去最终确定所选择的日期,而是滑动转轮的同时更新日期,那么你可以实现第一个代理方法,否则就实现第二个代理方法

 3 Issue

If you find a bug, please tell me.My E-mail address is [email protected]. If you have a good idea ,you can discuss with me.
