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Parallel C++ algorithms
High Performance Parallel (and Sequential) C++ Algorithms, which accompany "Practical Parallel Algorithms in C++ and C#" book.
Multi-Core Parallel Sorting Algorithms:
Algorithm | Random | Presorted | Constant | Description |
LSD Radix Sort | 2865 | 2907 | 4769 | 48-core AWS C7a.24xlarge (AMD) |
LSD Radix Sort | 2338 | 2297 | 2255 | 48-core AWS C7i.24xlarge (Intel) |
LSD Radix Sort | 952 | 831 | 846 | 14-core Intel i7-12700H |
Merge Radix Sort | 877 | 945 | 971 | 48-core AWS C7a.24xlarge (AMD) |
Merge Sort | 1176 | 1143 | 1143 | 144-core Azure HBV4 (AMD) |
Merge Sort | 695 | 946 | 1954 | 48-core AWS C7i.24xlarge (Intel) |
Merge Sort | 174 | 275 | 617 | 14-core Intel i7-12700H |
Merge Sort (in-place) | 272 | 502 | 549 | 48-core AWS C7i.24xlarge (Intel) |
Merge Sort (in-place) | 90 | 234 | 339 | 14-core Intel i7-12700H |
The above performance is in millions of unsigned 32-bit integers/second when sorting an array of 100 million elements. Benchmarks ran on Linux.
High Performance Single-Core Sequential Algorithms
Algorithm | Random | Presorted | Constant | Description |
LSD Radix Sort (two phase) | 153 | 139 | 159 | 1-core of Intel i7-12700H |
Merge Sort | 12 | 136 | 177 | 1-core of Intel i7-12700H |
Merge Sort (in-place) | 12 | 97 | 296 | 1-core of Intel i7-12700H |
MSD Radix Sort (in-place) | 41 | 48 | 46 | 1-core of Intel i7-12700H |
LSD Radix Sort single-core with two additional performance tools:
- novel two-phase implementation reduces passes over the array to (1 + D), where D is the number of digits
- de-randomization of writes to bins
Other Algorithms
Sorting algorithms provided in this repository:
- Single-core LSD Radix Sort: Novel Two Phase
- Multi-core Parallel LSD Radix Sort : linear time
- Multi-core Parallel Merge Sort
- Single-core In-Place Merge Sort
- Multi-core Parallel In-Place Merge Sort
- Single-core In-Place MSD Radix Sort: linear time
- Numerous hyrid sorting algorithms - e.g. Paralle Merge Insertion Sort
- Merge Radix Sort hybrids: linear time
- Improved adaptivity to memory resources, even with virtual memory
- Count Sort
- Parallel Histogram
- Block Swap
- Parallel Merge
- Radix Sort to support non-integer data types
- Safer Average calculations
- Blazing Fast sort of byte array
- De-Randomization of Radix Sort writes to bins
- Recursive and non-recursive Parallel Sum
- Bottom-up Non-Recursive In-Place Merge Sort
Windows support:
- VisualStudio 2022 Microsoft compiler and Intel's OneAPI compiler. Solution is included.
- Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB) and Microsoft's Parallel Patterns Library (PPL)
- C++17
Linux support:
- g++ using Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
- C++20
Building on Ubuntu Linux (22.04 LTS)
To install g++ which supports C++17:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
# reboot the machine
sudo apt install build-essential
To update gcc to support c++17 standard, Parallel STL and Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB):
sudo apt install libtbb-dev
git clone
cd ParallelAlgorithms
To build on WSL Ubuntu, use g++ command and not gcc. The order of the following arguments matters!
g++ ParallelAlgorithms.cpp ParallelStdCppExample.cpp RadixSortLsdBenchmark.cpp MemoryUsage.cpp CountingSortParallelBenchmark.cpp SumBenchmark.cpp RadixSortMsdBenchmark.cpp ParallelMergeSortBenchmark.cpp -ltbb -std=c++20 -O3 -o ParallelAlgorithms
To build on AWS Ubuntu, use g++ command and not gcc. The order of the following arguments matters!
g++ ParallelAlgorithms.cpp ParallelStdCppExample.cpp RadixSortLsdBenchmark.cpp MemoryUsage.cpp CountingSortParallelBenchmark.cpp SumBenchmark.cpp RadixSortMsdBenchmark.cpp ParallelMergeSortBenchmark.cpp -ltbb -std=c++2a -O3 -o ParallelAlgorithms
To run it:
Building on Windows
On Windows, Visual Studio 2022, free and paid versions are supported. To build the project use Visual Studio 2022 to open ParallelAlgorithms.sln file, then select Build/RebuildSolution. Once the project builds, select "Local Windows Debugger" to run it. Or, open the CommandPrompt application, go to the "x64\Release" directory, and run ParallelAlgorithms.exe.
By default, the solution/project uses Microsoft C++ compiler, which avoid requiring installation of Intel's OneAPI. Intel's OneAPI C++ compiler is supported by the ParallelAlgorithms.sln VisualStudio 2022 Solution. Once Intel's OneAPI, which is free, has been installed, select Project/IntelCompiler/UseIntelOneAPICompiler, followed by Build/RebuildSolution. Some of the algorithms are faster when build with Intel's OneAPI compiler.
Other Resources
Benchmarks of C++ Standard Parallel Algorithms (STL) are provided, with benchmark code in ParallelSTL repository, which builds and runs on Linix and Windows.
- Sorting 19X Faster than C++ Parallel Sort
- Parallel Merge for merging two arrays of any data type supporting comparison.
- Parallel Merge Sort for sorting arrays of any data type supporting comparison.
- Novel LSD Radix Sort (two-phase).
- Parallel Sort from Standard C++17.
- LSD Radix Sort for arrays of unsigned long's.