Piotr Figiela
Piotr Figiela
Sometimes LS reports errors like this >thread 'main' panicked at crates/cairo-lang-defs/src/db.rs:585:15: >IndexMap: key not found >thread 'main' panicked at crates/cairo-lang-defs/src/db.rs:289:75: >IndexMap: key not found errors have different origins but this...
fix #6310 - - - This change is [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/starkware-libs/cairo/6358)
This change is [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/starkware-libs/cairo/6330)
Currently attribute macros are resolved first then inline ones. We should change it to work with inline macro returning code with attribute macros
Rework current locks to bounded queue with 0 or 1 element. - on request push to queue and do NOT wait - create job in separate thread to pull from...
When hovered over function or type inside `impl` hint for whole block is displayed. This make sense as it is whole item but for better UX we should display hints...