The default configuration JSON file in the experimental branch _(which is now part of the origin)_ should have the option "gatherJSONData" set to "true" which means that you should have...
It does appear that the `ds.grab_server_data` function belongs to the code on the main branch that hasn't been maintained in quite a while. Please try running this with the experimental...
Right now I'm running an extensive test of the JSON caching code that should run a test on an entire channel that's been around for nearly 5 years (2016-2021). I...
Okay, I figured out the `CTRL + C` issue and I have enabled JSON caching for the Discord API response data (which includes the text that was sent and information...
The non-experimental (main) branch code hasn't been touched in months. The only thing that the main branch code does that the experimental branch code doesn't do is scrape DMs. The...
> It might not be the best place to point this out, however: this will propel the API to spit 400s for a possibly long time when the scraper inevitably...
> I am running the latest code from the `experimental` branch. Okay, that means my method isn't working then... > Furthermore - that line doesn't check a channel's creation date...
It appears you're using the main branch, have you tested this out with the experimental branch? The reason why I make reference to the experimental branch is that it's a...
Right, I'm going to have to start testing this script on my installation of Big Sur. The other thing is the inability to interrupt the runtime of the script; I...
So far I haven't implemented a JSON caching method and my previous attempts at scraping text yielded inconsistent results (some days got skipped for some reason and duplicates sometimes occurred...