I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to use the basic requests_oauthlib) to connect to our Office 365 site. The login URL is: LoginURL = 'https://login.microsoftonline.us/' which I don't see how to...
I am attempting to use the BackendClient workflow for creating a OATH V2.0 connection. Using the requests_oauthlib package. Documentation is at: https://requests-oauthlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oauth2_workflow.html#backend-application-flow The code works fine in PowerShell, but the...
I am using the package python pyodata and getting parse issues when the meta-data is returned from the root ODATA location. I don't own the site, so the ODATA interface...
Chrome V58 Windows 10 Leaflet 1.0.3 Leaflet-draw 0.4.9 As shown below, with leaflet 1.0 and leaflet draw 0.2.4 I was getting text distance for lines, and area for rectangles. Now...
Any chance of adding to the readme a simple React Event Handling example? I am getting the error: jquery.js:3855 Uncaught Error: Expected onClick listener to be a function, instead got...
Currently, I am adding the PropTypes and displayName manually after the call to t7. I am not sure I 100% like the syntax. But it might be nice to consolidate...
I am using VS2013 (which has a very nice open source plug-in by Red Gate for Node debugging, NPM, and much more: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingNodejsToolsForVisualStudio.aspx ) Anyway, it is still in beta...
using CYGWIN_NT-10.0 YSG4206 3.1.2(0.340/5/3) 2019-12-21 15:25 x86_64 Cygwin ``` yarn install v1.21.1 .... D:\CRIME\graphql-reason-server-example\node_modules\bs-platform\jscomp\runtime>..\bin\bsc.exe -absname -no-alias-deps -bs-no-version-header -bs-no-check-div-by-zero -bs-cross-module-opt -bs-package-name bs-platform -bs-package-output commonjs:lib\js -bs-package-output goog:lib\goog -bs-package-output amdjs:lib\amdjs -bs-package-output es6:lib\es6 -I...
I have been using NNG (C++) but I am more comfortable with C#, and C# is more friendly for Matlab. So I wanted to write a C# plugin to read...
For some reason, the AWS serverless site does not seem to be up: https://api.morpheusgraphql.com/ and when I try npm start, I get the following error: ``` Everything is Ok Folders:...