You are right, that might be at least difficult. I was just thinking that this would seem cleaner to me than to have a separate script lying around here. So...
Today, I have tried out if it is possible to only define the peripheral pin traits (e.g. `I2cScl`, `I2cSda`, `SpiScl`, ...) and their pin-af-combinations in a dependency library and having...
I would still like to see this merged. Is there anything missing?
I have understood that the `SpiProxy` must be its own type which is `!Send + !Sync`. Therefore, I had only joined `I2cProxy` and `AdcProxy` into the generic `Proxy` type and...
> keep the old names available as to not require a breaking release Sounds reasonable, done in the commit before > That's what makes the SpiProxy !Send I suspected this...
Hi, I got here because I was confused that the `DrawTarget` trait does not contain a `flush` method which seems essential for many display drivers, especially the ones that use...
> Then, from in the top-level git directory I ran > > ``` > source .venv/bin/activate > pip install asciidoc > pip install tox > scripts/dev/ > ``` I guess...
> source .venv/bin/activate > pip install asciidoc > pip install tox > scripts/dev/ I have tried this again with the recently released `v3.0.0`. Unfortunately, this does not work anymore to...
> Yes, but that requires essentially duplicating `shared-bus` here. Correct me if I am wrong but as far as I see, `shared-bus` is already duplicated in this repository, but without...
I have experimented today with how a socket-directed API could look like. In the beginning, I took the result I ended up with in #62 and generalized it so that...