Hi, I am running 3d auto refine on 2D particles from tomograms (tomo pipeline with extracting 2D particles). I have stayed within the RELION pipeline and indeed everything works well....
Running this command interactively on a GPU node with two 2080Ti cards. This same error occurs when submiting to slurm cluster on our HPC. running Relion 5 beta 3 commit...
version RELION 5.0-beta-3-commit-6331fe for tilt series alignment I used the command below: ``which relion_python_tomo_align_tilt_series` AreTomo --sample-thickness-nanometers 137 --gpu 0 --gpu 1 --gpu 2 --gpu 3 --tilt-series-star-file ExcludeTiltImages/job018/selected_tilt_series.star --output-directory AlignTiltSeries/job003/ --pipeline_control...
hello, I am running relion5 beta3. I am using the tomo program, but I think the problem is the same for SPA. I create a folder with frames as symbolic...