Zachary Dremann

Results 54 comments of Zachary Dremann

It [looks like]( we re-assign `CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE` for everything but MSVC to _not_ include `-DNDEBUG`. I agree that the _library_ should always work the same regardless of the `NDEBUG` define, but...

That said, that doesn't have to be in scope for this PR. I've changed the asserts in the bulk test to `assert_true` which is unconditionally run.

Yeah, I think it's worthwhile, it seems to almost always be at least a small win over non-bulk/array operations, and just a tiny bit slower than array operations, with more...

I'm interested if we could do something similar to #363 for this PR, generalize by storing the intermediate state in a struct, which avoids requiring the caller put everything in...

@arthurkiller I'm not sure where sorting came in. I was talking about taking this from `roaring_bitmap_contains_multi(bitmap, count, values[], results[])` to something like `roaring_bitmap_contains_bulk(bitmap, &context, value) -> bool`, where context stores...

Yeah, I think both `add_bulk` and `contains_bulk` could use a common "context" struct, which stores the last accessed container, typecode, index, and key

We need to discuss exactly how we want to deal with the inequality modifiers before we pull this in. ([see also]( ### Some questions we need to answer #### What...

### My Vote: - Include `=`, `~>`, `=` - An unqualified version corresponds to `=` - Include AND as `&&` - Do not include OR ##### Reasoning - `~>` represents...

Perhaps we should have two separate ideas: A **semantic version** is a single version, and a _semantic constraint_ describes valid values for a **semantic version**. _Semantic constraints_ are made of...

To me, they are disparate types, that can only occur where they belong (semantic versions only appear when a library declares its own version, semantic constraints appear in the dependencies)....