wasm_component_layer copied to clipboard
WebAssembly component model implementation for any backend.
may be wasmi 0.32.0 bug TODO: error detail
Hi, I've probably found a bug. When `option` is a function parameter type then `Func::call` often panics or the function body is not called at all. It doesn't matter whether...
```bash panicked at /home/kayh/.cargo/git/checkouts/wasm_component_layer-68f3e78cecb79e56/dd46b91/src/abi.rs:1272:45: called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value ``` I have a host-implemented method on a resource that returns `option`. This works when I return a Some, but...
To consume `wit` files, we would need a bindgen procedural macro which will consume the interface, and generate all necessary inferface types and functions, as well as the relevant traits...
This PR implements resource borrows and transfers for the wasm_component_layer. In particular, it: - upgrades all dependencies to the latest version (at the time of writing) - does not yet...
wit-parser::Type::Float32 and Float64 are changed to F32 and F64 in the latest wit-parser v 0.202.0 https://docs.rs/wit-parser/latest/wit_parser/enum.Type.html So could you please also update valueType accordingly? https://github.com/DouglasDwyer/wasm_component_layer/blob/c7383c9589590b07c5433cd6c5a8a1311bf321d5/src/types.rs#L204 Or a quick workaround is...
First of all, thank you for your work on this amazing crate - I really hope it becomes a standard API to write runtime-independent code running WASM components :) I...