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Missing line in X10::init breaks receive

Open CBMalloch opened this issue 6 years ago • 0 comments

(At least) the Check_Rcvr ISR is called as object->Check_Rcvr, but object was never initialized, causing a memory fault exception 18 on an ESP8266 device (and presumably all others as well, with different error reporting). The solution is to put, as the first line of the init routine (the real one, with 4 arguments), "object = this" which copies the address of the object instance into the otherwise empty pointer "object". In my version, I also guarded the calls in the ISR wrappers with "if ( object ) ...", which helped me find this error.

  x10.cpp - X10 transmission library for Arduino version 0.4
  Original library				(0.1) by Tom Igoe.
  Timing bug fixes				(0.2) "   "   "
  #include bug fixes for 0012	                (0.3) "   "   "
  Integrates X10 receive code from Arduino Playground (0.4)
  Zero crossing algorithms borrowed from David Mellis' shiftOut command
  for Arduino.
  The circuits can be found at
  2017-APR-17	Richard Hughes	Version 0.5
	-	Introduced new function detectMainsFreq() called during initialisation
		to make library work with both 50Hz and 60Hz mains frequencies without
		user code changes giving the ability for devices using this library to
		work with 50Hz or 60Hz mains frequencies without modification.
	-	Moved definition for receive pin and LED pin to x10.h and removed the
		zcross_in definition as this was already defined in x10.h and so duplicated.
	-	Enchanced the version function to additionally print the selected mains 
		frequency to serial.
	-	Replaced hard coded interrupt number with digitalPinToInterrupt function
		so that interrupt number is correctly set if a zero crossing pin other than
		2 is selected.  May also help this code to run on ESP8266 although this
		has not been tested.
	2018-FEB-18   Richard Hughes  Version 0.6
	-	Added delay(0) in loop within waitForZeroCross to prevent WDT resetting
	2018-AUG-19   Charles B. Malloch Version 0.7
	- added necessary "object = this" line at beginning of init

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "x10.h"
#include "x10constants.h"
#include "psc05.h"

volatile unsigned long mask;           // MSB first - bit 12 - bit 0
volatile unsigned int X10BitCnt;       // counts bit sequence in frame
volatile unsigned int ZCrossCnt;       // counts Z crossings in frame
volatile unsigned long rcveBuff;       // holds the 13 bits received in a frame
volatile boolean X10rcvd;              // true if a new frame has been received
boolean _newX10;                       // both the unit frame and the command frame received
byte _houseCode, _unitCode, _cmndCode;
byte _hc,_uc;
byte startCode;
bool autoDetectFreq;   

x10 *object;

//static void Check_Rcvr();
//static void Parse_Frame();

void x10_Check_Rcvr_wrapper() {
  // cbm
  // this ISR gets attached to the pin for the zero-crossing interrupt
  // Serial.print ( "xCRw.." );
    An ISR gets called with no arguments, I think, while Check_Rcvr needs to get an object call
    which points to the object structure with all its variables
  if ( object ) {
    object->Check_Rcvr ( );
  } else {
    Serial.println ( "Couldn't call Check_Rcvr because 'object' is empty" );
    while ( 1 );
  // cbm
  // Serial.print ( " OK\n" );

void x10_Parse_Frame_wrapper() {
  if ( object ) {
    object->Parse_Frame ( );
  } else {
    Serial.println ( "Couldn't call Parse_Frame because 'object' is empty" );
    while ( 1 );

// Initialise instance of X10 object
void x10::init(int zeroCrossingPin, int dataPin, int rp, int led)

  // cbm -- added to make object (local variable needed for ISRs) point to the instantiated object
  object = this;
	this->zeroCrossingPin = zeroCrossingPin;      // the zero crossing pin
	this->dataPin = dataPin;        		          // the output data pin
	this->recvPin = rp;
	this->ledPin = led;
	// Set I/O modes:
	pinMode(this->zeroCrossingPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // set 20K pullup (low active signal)
	pinMode(this->dataPin, OUTPUT);
	if (this->ledPin>0) { pinMode(this->ledPin, OUTPUT); }

	// If we have a receive pin specified.
	if (this->recvPin>0) {
		pinMode(this->recvPin,INPUT_PULLUP);             // receive X10 commands - low = 1 - INPUT_PULLUP sets 20K pullup (low active signal)

    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( "Interrupt pin: " ); Serial.println ( this->zeroCrossingPin );
    // Serial.print ( "dPTI: " ); Serial.println ( digitalPinToInterrupt ( this->zeroCrossingPin ) );		// attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(this->zeroCrossingPin),x10_Check_Rcvr_wrapper,CHANGE);// trigger zero cross
    // it looks like offsetDelay needs to be prophylactically set before an interrupt might possibly happen...
    // this->offsetDelay = OFFSET_DELAY;
    // Serial.print ( "init: offset delay: " ); Serial.println ( this->offsetDelay );
		attachInterrupt ( digitalPinToInterrupt ( this->zeroCrossingPin ), x10_Check_Rcvr_wrapper, CHANGE ); // trigger zero cross

    // cbm
    // we reliably reach this point, but not the print after the delay.
    // That argues that the attached interrupt is going astray somehow

		X10BitCnt=0; // counts bit sequence in frame
		ZCrossCnt=0;   // counts Z crossings in frame
		X10rcvd=false;      // true if a new frame has been received
		_newX10=false;         // both the unit frame and the command frame received
	// cbm
	// delay ( 100 );
	// Serial.println ( "Done with delay" );
	// Detect mains frequency.
	if(autoDetectFreq) {
	}  else {
		// Default to 60Hz timings.
		this->mainsFrequency = 60;
		this->bitDelay = BIT_DELAY;
		this->bitLength = BIT_LENGTH;
		this->offsetDelay = OFFSET_DELAY;
		this->halfCycleDelay = HALF_CYCLE_DELAY;


void x10::init(int zeroCrossingPin, int dataPin, int rp) {

void x10::init(int zeroCrossingPin, int dataPin)

x10::x10(int zeroCrossingPin, int dataPin, int rp, int led)
   autoDetectFreq = false;
   autoDetectFreq = true;
x10::x10(int zeroCrossingPin, int dataPin, int rp)
   autoDetectFreq = false;
   autoDetectFreq = true;
x10::x10(int zeroCrossingPin, int dataPin)
   autoDetectFreq = false;
   autoDetectFreq = true;
	autoDetectFreq = true;

 Establish mains frequency and set appropriate parameters
void x10::detectMainsFreq() {

  // cbm
	Serial.println("Detecting mains frequency ...");
	// Default parameters for 60Hz
	this->bitDelay = BIT_DELAY;
	this->bitLength = BIT_LENGTH;
	this->offsetDelay = OFFSET_DELAY;
	this->halfCycleDelay = HALF_CYCLE_DELAY;
	// Wait for zero crossing before we start counting
	float startFreqCount = micros();
	// Wait for 200 half cycles to pass to get an average timing from 100 cycles.
	float stopFreqCount = micros();
	// Calculate frequency.
	this->mainsFrequency = 100000000 / (stopFreqCount - startFreqCount); 
	// cbm
	// Serial.print ( "Mains frequency is " ); Serial.println ( this->mainsFrequency );
	// If frequency is below 54 cycles then we assume 50Hz which allows for a 60Hz 
	// waveform to be 10% below specification.
	if(this->mainsFrequency < 54) {
		this->bitDelay = BIT_DELAY_50;
		this->bitLength = BIT_LENGTH_50;
		this->offsetDelay = OFFSET_DELAY_50;
		this->halfCycleDelay = HALF_CYCLE_DELAY_50;

	Writes an X10 command out to the X10 modem
void x10::write(byte houseCode, byte numberCode, int numRepeats) {
  byte startCode = B1110; 		// every X10 command starts with this
  if (this->recvPin>0) { detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(this->zeroCrossingPin)); }
  // repeat as many times as requested:
  for (int i = 0; i < numRepeats; i++) {
  	// send the three parts of the command:
  	sendBits(startCode, 4, true);	
    	sendBits(houseCode, 4, false);
    	sendBits(numberCode, 5, false);
    // if this isn't a bright or dim command, it should be followed by
    // a delay of 3 power cycles (or 6 zero crossings):
    if ((numberCode != BRIGHT) && (numberCode != DIM)) {
    	waitForZeroCross(this->zeroCrossingPin, 6);
  if (this->recvPin>0) { attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(this->zeroCrossingPin),x10_Check_Rcvr_wrapper,CHANGE); } // trigger zero cross
	Writes a sequence of bits out.  If the sequence is not a start code,
	it repeats the bits, inverting them.

void x10::sendBits(byte cmd, byte numBits, byte isStartCode) {
  byte thisBit;		// copy of command so we can shift bits
	// iterate the number of bits to be shifted:
	for(int i=1; i<=numBits; i++) {
		// wait for a zero crossing change:
		waitForZeroCross(this->zeroCrossingPin, 1);
		// shift off the last bit of the command:
		thisBit = !!(cmd & (1 << (numBits - i)));
		// repeat once for each phase:
		for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
			// set the data Pin:
			digitalWrite(this->dataPin, thisBit);
			// clear the data pin:
			digitalWrite(this->dataPin, LOW);
			// Only delay between first to phases as final delay is what ever is left before zero cross.
			// This was we can be a bit more accurate (slighlty more delay between phases) without missing zero cross.
			if(phase < 2) { delayMicroseconds(this->bitDelay); }
		// if this command is a start code, don't
		// send its complement.  Otherwise do:
		if(!isStartCode) {
			// wait for zero crossing:
			waitForZeroCross(zeroCrossingPin, 1);
			for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
				// set the data pin:
				digitalWrite(this->dataPin, !thisBit);
				// clear the data pin:
				digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);
				// Only delay between first to phases as final delay is what ever is left before zero cross.
				// This was we can be a bit more accurate (slighlty more delay between phases) without missing zero cross.
				if(phase < 2) { delayMicroseconds(this->bitDelay); }

  waits for a the zero crossing pin to cross zero

void x10::waitForZeroCross(int pin, int howManyTimes) {
	unsigned long cycleTime = 0;
	#if false 
    // cache the port and bit of the pin in order to speed up the
    // pulse width measuring loop and achieve finer resolution.  calling
    // digitalRead() instead yields much coarser resolution.
    uint8_t bit = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
    uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin);
    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( "wfZC: port: " ); Serial.print ( port );
    // Serial.print ( "; bit: " ); Serial.print ( bit );

    for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++) {
      // wait for pin to change:
      if((*portInputRegister(port) & bit))
        while((*portInputRegister(port) & bit)) {
          // Yield to prevent WDT reset
        while(!(*portInputRegister(port) & bit)) {
          // Yield to prevent WDT reset
    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( "wfZC: pin: " ); Serial.print ( pin ); Serial.print ( " " );

    for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++) {
      // cbm
      // Serial.print ( i ); Serial.print ( "-" );
      // wait for pin to change:
      if ( digitalRead ( pin ) )
        while ( digitalRead ( pin ) ) {
          // Yield to prevent WDT reset
        while ( ! digitalRead ( pin ) ) {
          // Yield to prevent WDT reset
      // cbm
      // yield();
  // cbm
  // Serial.print ( " ... OK " ); Serial.println ( howManyTimes );

  version() returns the version of the library:
int x10::version(void)
	int ver = 6;
	Serial.print("Zero Crossing Pin: ");
	Serial.print("Transmit Pin     : ");
	Serial.print("Receive Pin      : ");
	Serial.print("LED Indicator Pin: ");
	Serial.print("Mains Frequency  : ");
	Serial.print("Bit Length       : ");	
	Serial.print("Bit Delay        : ");
	Serial.print("Offset Delat     : ");
	Serial.print("Half Cycle Delay : ");
	Serial.print("Version          : ");
	return ver;

boolean x10::(void)
  return _newX10;

void x10::reset(void)
  _newX10 = false;

byte x10::unitCode(void)
  return _unitCode;
byte x10::houseCode(void)
  return _houseCode;
byte x10::uc(void)
  return _uc;

byte x10::hc(void)
 return _hc;
byte x10::cmndCode(void)
  return _cmndCode;

void x10::Check_Rcvr () {    // called from the actual ISR when zero crossing (on CHANGE)

  // NOTE - ISR!!! Don't try to print!!!! and don't even think of delay()!!!
  // do we *return* from an ISR?

  // cbm
  // Serial.print ( " x::CR.." );
  // Serial.print ( X10BitCnt );
  // Serial.print ( ". " );
  if ( X10BitCnt == 0 ) {                // looking for new frame
    // cbm -- note this will screw up timing!!!
    // Serial.print ( "z" );

    // the following line causes a fatal exception 28 in the ESP8266
    // delayMicroseconds(this->offsetDelay);   // wait for bit - 500 or 800 µs
    // replacing it with this:
    // unsigned long delayStartedAt_us = micros();
    // while ( ( micros() - delayStartedAt_us ) < this->offsetDelay );
    // doesn't help...
    // so does this line: so the offense is in the reference to this->offsetDelay...
    // Serial.print ( "offset delay: " ); Serial.println ( this->offsetDelay );
    // Serial.print ( "offset delay: " ); Serial.println ( offsetDelay );
    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( "#" );
    // Serial.print ( this->recvPin );
    // Serial.print ( "#" );
    // Serial.print ( digitalRead ( this->recvPin ) );
    // delay ( 1 );
    if ( digitalRead ( this->recvPin ) ) {
      // cbm
      // Serial.print ( "." );
      return;  // still high - no start bit - get out
    if (this->ledPin>0) { digitalWrite(this->ledPin, HIGH); }     // indicate you got something
    rcveBuff = 0;
    mask = 0x1000;                     // bitmask with bit 12 set
    rcveBuff = rcveBuff | mask;        // sets bit 12 (highest)
    mask = mask >> 1;                  // move bit down in bit mask
    X10BitCnt = 1;                     // inc the bit count
    ZCrossCnt = 1;                     // need to count zero crossings too
    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( " first\n" );
  } else {
    // NOT the first bit . . .
    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( "n" );
    ZCrossCnt++;                         // inc the zero crossing count
    // after SC (first 4 bits) ignore the parity bits - so only read odd crossings
    if (X10BitCnt < 5 || (ZCrossCnt & 0x01)){ // if it's an odd # zero crossing
      delayMicroseconds(this->offsetDelay);   // wait for bit
      if(!digitalRead(this->recvPin)) rcveBuff = rcveBuff | mask;  // got a 1 set the bit, else skip and leave it 0
      mask = mask >> 1;                  // move bit down in bit mask
      if (X10BitCnt == 13) {               // done with frame after 13 bits
        for (byte i=0;i<5;i++) delayMicroseconds(this->halfCycleDelay); // need this
        X10rcvd = true;                  // a new frame has been received
        if (this->ledPin>0) { digitalWrite(this->ledPin, LOW); }     // indicate you got something
        X10BitCnt = 0;
        x10_Parse_Frame_wrapper();                   // parse out the house & unit code and command

    // cbm
    // Serial.print ( " OK\n" );

#if 1
void x10::Parse_Frame() {   // parses the receive buffer to get House, Unit, and Cmnd
  if(rcveBuff & 0x1){                  // last bit set so it's a command
    _cmndCode = rcveBuff & 0x1F;        // mask 5 bits 0 - 4 to get the command
    _newX10 = true;                     // now have complete pair of frames
  else {                               // last bit not set so it's a unit
    _unitCode = rcveBuff & 0x1F;        // mask 5 bits 0 - 4 to get the unit
    _uc = _unitCode;
    _newX10 = false;                    // now wait for the command
    for (byte i=0; i<16; i++){         // use lookup table to get the actual unit #
      if (Unit[i] == _unitCode){
        _unitCode = i+1;                // this gives Unit 1-16
        break;                         // stop search when found!
  rcveBuff = rcveBuff >> 5;            // shift the house code down to LSB
  _houseCode = rcveBuff & 0x0F;         // mask the last 4 bits to get the house code
  _hc = _houseCode;
  for (byte i=0; i<16; i++){           // use lookup table to get the actual command #
    if (House[i] == _houseCode){ 
      _houseCode = i+65;                // this gives House 'A' - 'P'
      break;                           // stop search when found!
  rcveBuff = rcveBuff >> 4;            // shift the start code down to LSB
  startCode = rcveBuff & 0x0F;         // mask the last 4 bits to get the start code
  X10rcvd = false;                     // reset status
// NEW VERSION - better error checking
void Parse_Frame() {   // parses the receive buffer to get House, Unit, and Cmnd
  // Remember this is called by ISR - so STILL IN ISR! - no delays or prints!
  byte rawCmndUnit;                     // Command or Unit portion of rcveBuff
  byte rawHouse;                        // House portion of rcveBuff
  byte foundMatch = false;              // set when a match is found

  // break the rcveBuff into it's parts . . .
  if(rcveBuff & 0x1) procCmnd = true;   // last bit set so frame is a command (2nd)
  else procCmnd = false;                // else frame is a unit (1st)
  rawCmndUnit = rcveBuff & 0x1F;        // mask 5 bits 0 - 4 get the unit / command
  rcveBuff = rcveBuff >> 5;             // shift the house code down to LSB
  rawHouse = rcveBuff & 0x0F;           // mask the last 4 bits to get the house code
  rcveBuff = rcveBuff >> 4;             // shift the start code down to LSB
  X10.Start = rcveBuff & 0x0F;          // mask the last 4 bits to get the start code

  // start with the House code - SB the same for both frames
  for (byte i=0; i<16; i++){            // use lookup table to get the actual command #
    if (House[i] == rawHouse){ 
      X10.House = i+65;                 // this gives House 'A' - 'P'
      foundMatch = true;
      break;                            // stop search when found!
  // if no match, wipe out the start byte to abort the command
  if (foundMatch == false) X10.Start = 0; 
  // if it's the 1st frame, save off the house
  if (foundMatch == true && procCmnd == false) firstHouse = X10.House; 
  // if it's the 2nd frame, compare the house code for the 2 frames
  if (foundMatch == true && procCmnd == true){
    if (X10.House != firstHouse) X10.Start = 0; // abort if not the same
  // If it's the 1st frame process the Unit code . . .
  if (procCmnd == false){               // last bit not set so it's a unit
    _newX10 = false;                     // now wait for the command
    foundMatch = false;                 // reset this before search
    for (byte i=0; i<16; i++){          // use lookup table to get the actual unit #
      if (Unit[i] == rawCmndUnit){
        X10.Unit = i+1;                 // this gives Unit 1-16
        foundMatch = true;
        break;                          // stop search when found!
    if (foundMatch == false) X10.Start = 0; // wipe out the start byte if no match

  // If it's the 2nd frame process the Command code . . .
  if (procCmnd == true){                // last bit set so it's a command
    if (rawCmndUnit == ON) X10.Cmnd=on; // convert commands to generic commands
    else if (rawCmndUnit == OFF) X10.Cmnd=off;
    else if (rawCmndUnit == DIM) X10.Cmnd=dim;
    else if (rawCmndUnit == BRIGHT) X10.Cmnd=bright;
    else X10.Start = 0;                 // wipe out the start byte if no match
    _newX10 = true;                      // now have complete pair of frames

  // if the command was set as invalid, it's not a new command
  if (X10.Start != B1110) _newX10 = false; // final error check here
  //if (gParam[NO_P16]){                  // optionally stop phantom P-16 commands
  // if (X10.House == 'P' && X10.Unit == 16) _newX10 = false; // Fix for phantom P-16 comand

void x10::attach(void)
   attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(this->zeroCrossingPin),x10_Check_Rcvr_wrapper,CHANGE);// (pin 2) trigger zero cross
void x10::detach(void)
   detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(this->zeroCrossingPin));                  // must detach interrupt before sending

void x10::debug(void){
  Serial.print(" HOUSE-");
  Serial.print(" UNIT-");
  Serial.print(" CMND");
  if(_cmndCode == ON)Serial.print(" (ON)");
  if(_cmndCode == OFF)Serial.print(" (OFF)");

CBMalloch avatar Aug 19 '18 23:08 CBMalloch