@agnesLeroy Hi I have another question on the floating number. We use chrono to run DEM simulaiton and achieve fluid-solid coupling. The chrono can simulate a large number of dem...
@Oblomov I read your comment. And do you think it is easy to achieve to release the limit? Or can we use a 16bits or 32bits for the object number...
@Oblomov @agnesLeroy These days I make a simulation to check the accuracy of the GPHSPH, The model is a sphere,density=860, faling into the water with velocity of 2.17m/s. And the...
@agnesLeroy Could you help me ? I am confused with the problem pasted above.
@stoiver That is great. Thank you so much. I can try to download the version of anuga_py3 and try to use on a multinode suprcomputers(with mpi4py). So can I get...
Hi @stoiver. If I want to run a simulation on a multi-node platform.(use two nodes and 24 cores (12 cores/node)) I use this command: mpirun -machinefile machinefile -np 24 python...
@stoiver Did you see the question above and could you give me some advice. I try to run the example/simple_examples/ on two nodes (48cores). But I can not run the...
@stoiver Ok, thanks I use openmpi on the cluster. I try to ask the system admin firstly. Thanks a lot. And I want to know I must install the same...
@stoiver Thanks a lot. Your adivece is helpful and my porblem has been solved. Best regards.
@stoiver I have a question about the boundary types. I find about 10 boundary types in file anuga/shallow_water/ I can get several examples about some types of them. But not...