I would have wanted to do both change the volume and execute actions. If "do not remap" is off, changing volume is impossible. So I have chosen "do not remap"...
Well i did try to explain it in the expected behavior section in the op. If i press the button and nothing executes before the timeout, change the volume after...
The mapper already does that. Maybe when triggering actions _before_ releasing the buttons may be the way to go. I will try my best to explain this: Double press: as...
My bad, I accidentally closed my thread
Hello dev. I'm not asking for an eta here, I'm just wondering if the bug i mentioned is being worked on. None of the boxes in the op have been...
Thanks for those tips man; "gso": true really does work for me! Gosh I've had this problem with sing-box forever ago and always wondered if it was just me
Theory is because since v0.6, they've used the new v2ray core and/or removed support for the standalone wireguard plugin