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Gateway to send/receive SMS through MQTT using an USB GSM dongle (gammu)


You need a GSM dongle "compatible" with Gammu :
Even if your dongle is not listed, it should works with.

If you need specific gammu settings to be added, feel free to open a PR or an issue.

How does it work




For Docker, run it by executing the following commmand:

docker run \
    -d \
    --name sms2mqtt \
    --restart=always \
    --device=/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/mobile \
    -e PIN="1234" \
    -e HOST="192.168.1.x" \
    -e PORT=1883 \
    -e PREFIX="sms2mqtt" \
    -e CLIENTID="sms2mqttclid" \
    -e USER="usr" \
    -e PASSWORD="pass" \

For Docker-Compose, use the following yaml:

version: '3'
    container_name: sms2mqtt
    image: domochip/sms2mqtt
    - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-HUAWEI_HUAWEI_Mobile-if00-port0:/dev/mobile
    - PIN=1234
    - HOST=
    - PORT=1883
    - PREFIX=sms2mqtt
    - CLIENTID=sms2mqttclid
    - USER=mqtt_username
    - PASSWORD=mqtt_password
    restart: always



  • device: Location of GSM dongle (replace /dev/ttyUSB0 with yours), it need to be mapped to /dev/mobile

NOTE: The /dev/ttyUSBx path of your GSM modem could change on reboot, so it's recommended to use the /dev/serial/by-id/ path or symlink udev rules to avoid this issue.

Environment variables

  • PIN: Optional, Pin code of your SIM
  • GAMMUOPTION: Optional, Allow to add a specific line in gammu configuration (ex : 'atgen_setcnmi = 1,2,0,0')
  • MOREINFO: Optional, Add more topics about your GSM device (battery and network)
  • HEARTBEAT: Optional, Enable the heartbeat topic
  • HOST: IP address or hostname of your MQTT broker
  • PORT: Optional, port of your MQTT broker
  • PREFIX: Optional, MQTT prefix used in topics for subscribe/publish
  • CLIENTID: Optional, MQTT client id to use
  • USER: Optional, MQTT username
  • PASSWORD: Optional, MQTT password


The default {prefix} for topics is sms2mqtt.

To send SMS:

  1. Publish this payload to topic sms2mqtt/send :
    {"number":"+33612345678", "text":"This is a test message"}
  2. SMS is sent
  3. A confirmation is sent back through MQTT to topic sms2mqtt/sent :
    {"result":"success", "datetime":"2021-01-23 13:00:00", "number":"+33612345678", "text":"This is a test message"}
  • ✔️ SMS to multiple Numbers using semicolon (;) seperated list. A confirmation will be sent back for each numbers.
  • ✔️ very long messages (more than 160 char).
  • ✔️ unicode messages containing emoji like : {"number":"+33612345678", "text":"It's working fine 👌"}
  • ✔️ very long messages containing emoji


Received SMS are published to topic sms2mqtt/received like this :
{"datetime":"2021-01-23 13:30:00", "number":"+31415926535", "text":"Hi, Be the Pi with you"}

  • ✔️ long SMS messages
  • ❌ any MMS

Other topics

  • sms2mqtt/connected: Indicates connection status of the container (0 or 1)
    E.g. 1

  • sms2mqtt/signal: A signal quality payload is published when quality changes
    E.g. {"SignalStrength": -71, "SignalPercent": 63, "BitErrorRate": -1}

Additionnal topics (enabled using MOREINFO flag)

  • sms2mqtt/battery: A battery payload with status and charge is published when it changes
    E.g. {"BatteryPercent": 100, "ChargeState": "BatteryPowered", "BatteryVoltage": -1, "ChargeVoltage": -1, "ChargeCurrent": -1, "PhoneCurrent": -1, "BatteryTemperature": -1, "PhoneTemperature": -1, "BatteryCapacity": -1}

  • sms2mqtt/network: A network payload is published when it changes
    E.g. {"NetworkName": "", "State": "HomeNetwork", "PacketState": "HomeNetwork", "NetworkCode": "392 11", "CID": "74C5", "PacketCID": "74C5", "GPRS": "Attached", "PacketLAC": "8623", "LAC": "8623"}

heartbeat topic (enabled using HEARTBEAT flag)

  • sms2mqtt/datetime: A payload containing current timestamp of the GSM device is published for every loop
    E.g. 1634671168.531913



You need to have a look at logs using :
docker logs sms2mqtt


To update to the latest Docker image:

docker stop sms2mqtt
docker rm sms2mqtt
docker rmi domochip/sms2mqtt
# Now run the container again, Docker will automatically pull the latest image.


I want to thanks those repositories for their codes that inspired me :
