esp32-rf-receiver copied to clipboard
The ESP32 wireless receiver for 315/433 MHz ASK modules based on ESP-IDF SDK.
Thanks for this great manual, after some time setting up the environment succeeded flashing my esp32v1. But when starting up it stops doing anything after these log entries: I (322)...
I tried to make your programm work on a heltec esp32 with a built in 868 LoRa module. So I want to recieve data via 433 senders and usw the...
I am using the RXB8 module but I am not receiving any data. Can you please recommend some suitable solution to me?
Hi, Could you verify how to run eveyrhing in IRAM context as if it is deployed among a flash access/read/write it will just crash.
Is there a possibility to get this working via the Arduino Software (IDE) on OS X ?
Hi! Just found this. It looks like some basic functionality is already implemented in esp32: That might mean, that there's no need to decode signals manualy like on arduino....