crumbling-island-arena copied to clipboard
Balance changes
Some post tournament changes. Nerfs for:
- base attack and Q range reduced
- base attack slow reduced
- W damage is now based on W shield
Invoker W
- no longer amplifies damage from sources that are not W owner
- Increased R cooldown
- W now heals once per Basic Attack cast to avoid lifestealing from multiple heroes at once (Hitting two heroes resulted in 2 heal for every target hit while frenzied, which means from two targets it healed for 4, for three targets it healed for 6 per attack etc)
- Charged basic attack now deals 2 damage to its primary target (to the thing projectile hits) and 1 damage in AoE, instead of 2 in everything in its aoe
- Increased R cooldown
PA ( Q ) [ REVERTED ] - PA is a pretty tricky to balance and she is good depending on how convenient her M1 respawn mechanics are for her. Not 100% sure about the nerf anymore so reverting it.
Ember (base attack) [ REVERTED ]
And CM buffs
- Charged Base attack deals 2 damage
- E wave lasts longer but the CD starts after she uses her recast sub-ability
- (Forgot to change CM E cast range indicator with new buffed range)
Venge rebalancements
- Venge R now counterattacks basic attacks with a basic attack instead of with Venge Q
I also want to do bugfixing too, but I have only just started to figure out how Github even works. Merge conflicts are still a nightmare for me since I don't think my merge tool works like it's supposed to 😱
- I'll better nerf PA's ulti somehow than other skills. Maybe some deep rework including W + E new recasting synergy. Like when u hit with W your E gonna refresh its cooldown. Of course E cooldown should be increased a lot.
- Maybe allow only 4 fast melee attacks for Ursa while using W.
- Increase Invoker movespeed could be good for 1v1. For some balance in other modes it could be good to remove ethereal debuff after getting second amount of dmg. So you can only amplify dmg for 2 skills, then ethereal removes.
- Pretty nice nerf with Gyro W dmg, I really like it. Maybe add him an airborn effect after using E for a few seconds, so he could dodge some knockback stuff. Dunno is it good or shit but why not? He's flying after all.
- Add new swappable obstacles at the arena could be great for Venge. Also I think she deserves dealing 2 dmg with her E.
- Add a life duration for Storm's remnants. 15 secs for each one should be enough. Also he needs a brand new ulti I guess. No idea what though.
I got more ideas but not gonna show all of them right now. Keep up the good work! :)
thank you for your commens @13lackHawk .
- I am really not sure how to nerf PA anymore. It might be because I really like playing her, and she has her high and lows in meta in 1v1 specifically. Sometimse she is super good and sometimes she is trash, like she is insanely good right now, and she used to be really bad during the first Arcana tournament when Zeus was the number 1 pick alongside with Tinker.
- I don't think it's that good of an idea. His biggest problem is that in teams and in Unranked (ESPECIALLY in Deathmatch) he can heal insane amounts of HP with just a few auto attacks. My point is to make his W healing slightly worse outside of 1v1 enviroment.
- Glad you like it. Though he already has a slight knockback on W recast
- She is really tricky to balance with trees + bombs. With this change (as it is a rebalancement) my aim is to not make her any weaker or stronger, just add more flavor on her ulti. Keep in mind that her Ulti basic attacks can deal 3 damage.
- I kinda agree that his ult needs a rework, but right now it has so good flavor with his name and all. Storm's biggest problem is definitely 2 damage AoE slow which makes projectile trading against him impossible.