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- [ ] dungeon win screen does not apear due to hypixel changing some kinda win msg
- working on it, just need to reach combat 15 first :/
- Reached combat 15 tried some things, couldnt get it to work for now, dm me on discord and ill send more info
- [x] smooth aote does not work with aspect of the void
- [x] make the storage overlay on by default(why not, simple enough to disable and its super usefull, important neu feature) if you update
- [ ] You cant view uses of an Item if its locked
- [ ] Add the text "neu" to the storage overlay to assert your domaince and give neu clout
- [x] The exclamation mark for fishing doesnt show if you dont have custom rod colors on
- [x] Dungeon Items don't appear in the Item List Category's
- [x] Some Accessorys (like Wither Artifact, Treasure Artifact and other..) dosent appear in Accessory Bag Overlay in the Missing Tab.
- [ ] neu slot locking blocks copying item data with sba dev
- [ ] bald capes
- [x] SBMenu Glas Panes flickering
- [ ] Damage Indicator Style dosent work with Endstone Sword Ability
- [ ] Damage Indicator Style dosent work with Ring of Love Ability
- [x] You cant press "e" in the storage overlay to escape the menu if u have the auto search off(and if its on u cant ofc)
- [x] Ferocity doesnt show on the Accessory bag overlay
- [ ] in games where your opents have blindness such as vampire Z and parts of blitz they can see neu cape
- [ ] the Storage View Height doesn't allow the list to cycle once you get to the top or bottom (unlike the rest of the options)
- Wasnt able to replicate this myself, need more info
- [ ] Enchant Glint Bug in Storage Overlay
- [ ] Slot Locking Bug in Storage Overlay
- this will probably make it also possible type your slot lock key into the search bar
- [ ] Not a bug but this should get a case: there is a pet that gets to Level 200 so the {lvl} Argument in the Item List dosent really work. Also the Pet Overlay might be bugged for it.
- give me a couple days to make a bill then ill figure it out #8
- [ ] You cant type your "Slotlock Key" in the searchbar
- You can, but you cant while your mouse is in your inventory due to slotlocking trying to slotlock
- [ ] Not a bug but still add Reddit and SBP Cape
- [ ] Also not a Bug but look at iron pr pls
- implemented alot of things but didnt implement pre release version checker and his cape, dont remember if there was anything else
- cape not implemented cause thats something i dont feel like i should be touching without perms
- [ ] Crash with Pre29 in Storage Overlay when tried to right click a not visiable overlay (the overlay was bugged)
- Crashlog:
- Bugged Overlay Screenshot
- Reported by 302865544565227521
- [ ] Titanium Alert doesnt work in pre29
- cant replicate on my end, seems to be working
[ ] Crash with Pre29 in Storage Overlay when tried to right click a not visiable overlay (the overlay was bugged)
- Crashlog:
- Bugged Overlay Screenshot
- Reported by 302865544565227521
Apparently its breaking if you have the "Player List Info" Setting disabled (enabling and going through the Backpacks fixes the Issue, so you add a checkmark if you want).
Cleanup and Revamp #14, Issue can be closed