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Fill in CIC34 form for 2022-2023 year
As a CIC we must fill in the CIC34 form. We don't tend to provide a lot of information on this given we communicate with the community through other mechanisms but we can give a brief update on our activities during the year.
The contents of the previous form are in issue #1780. The following headings must be completed:
PART 1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES AND IMPACT In the space provided below, please insert a general account of the company’s activities in the financial year to which the report relates, including a description of how they have benefited the community.
PART 2 – CONSULTATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS – Please indicate who the company’s stakeholders are; how the stakeholders have been consulted and what action, if any, has the company taken in response to feedback from its consultations? If there has been no consultation, this should be made clear.
PART 3 – DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION – if you have provided full details in your accounts you need not reproduce it here. Please clearly identify the information within the accounts and confirm that, “There were no other transactions or arrangements in connection with the remuneration of directors, or compensation for director’s loss of office, which require to be disclosed” (See example with full notes). If no remuneration was received you must state that “no remuneration was received” below.
- No remuneration was received by directors.
PART 4 - TRANSFER OF ASSETS OTHER THAN FOR FULL CONSIDERATION- Please insert full details of any transfers of assets other than for full consideration e.g. Donations to outside bodies. If this does not apply you must state that “no transfer of assets other than for full consideration has been made” below.
- No transfer of assets other than for full consideration has been made
Really we should aim to do this closer to the year end, i.e. in around July/August rather than waiting until the accounts are ready and the memories of the year have slipped away! Or even building it up through the year wouldn't be a bad idea!