@dabl2 Do you still have access to a FireTV 4K Stick or your Nvidia Shield? We found a way to get the token without SSL certificate.
Would be really awesome if you could be online on Telegram, we are really close.
> If you will open it in Media Player Classic, it will play it as Atmos if you have Dolby atmos for headphones activated or have a LG C9, for...
> they both use MFF (Media foundation framework with Dolby Access/Dolby Vision extensions) and play it the same and bitstream it the same. Oh you meant MPC-HC, yeah that supports...
> That also exists. I mean TrueHD is just the commercial name of Meridian Lossless packing with some metadata. > > MPC-HC, yeah that supports the MFF > > No,...
Yes currently all Dolby Atmos tracks and albums on Apple Music are FairPlay protected right now. Apple is using E-AC-3 JOC 768 kbit/s - the same bitrate as Tidal. And...
> > New link: https://www.upload.ee/files/13604682/01_-_John_Williams_-_Fanfare_and_Prologue1.mp4.html > > Where did you get that?? I would use something like that: ``` ffmpeg -i "cover.jpg" -i "input_song.mp4" -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a copy...
> Tidal uses according to a German website > https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/3D-Musikformat-Dolby-aeussert-sich-zur-Zukunft-von-Dolby-Atmos-Music-4630101.html Dolby AC-4 which is a proprietary format from Dolby Laboratories. Even when you can download the Dolby AC-4 file, there...
> I just followed what you said and made my own fork of RedSea to download Dolby Atmos here: https://github.com/zpoo32/RedSea > Thanks for the help @112madgamer Thank you @zpoo32 for...
Just enter "sudo apt-get install mpg123" to install the missing mpg123.