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Android官方文档(Android Developer Guide)翻译项目
Android Developer Guide翻译项目,主要翻译Android Developer Guide官方文档,会不断更新。同时由于本人个人时间精力有限,欢迎大家一起参与这个项目,对于已经翻译完成的部分,如果有不妥之处,欢迎大家即使反馈。目前已翻译完成的文档有:
Introduction to activities(Activity介绍)
The activity lifecycle(Activity的生命周期)
Activity state changes(Activity的状态变化)
Test your app's activities(测试你的Activity)
Understand Tasks And Back Stack(理解Task和回退栈)
Process and Application Lifecycle(进程和应用程序的生命周期)
Parcelables and Bundles(Parcelable和Bundle)
- Overview(Fragment(概述)
- Create a Fragment(创建Fragment)
- Test your fragments(测试Fragment)
- Build a flexible UI(构建灵活的UI)
- Communicate with other fragments(与其他Fragment通信)
Interact with other apps(与其他应用交互)
- OverView(概述)
- Sending the user to another app(将用户导航到另一个APP)
- Getting a result from an activity(接收另一个Activity返回的结果)
- Allowing other apps to start your activity(允许其他应用启动您的Activity)
Handling app links(处理Android APP Link)
- OverView(概述)
- Enabling links to app content(创建指向您内容的DeepLinks)
- Verify app Links(验证App Links)
- Create App links for instant app(为Instant APPs创建App Links)
Recents Screen(最近任务界面)
Multi-Window Support(多窗口支持-分屏)
App Short Cuts(App快捷启动方式)
- OverView(概述)
- Create shortcuts(创建快捷方式)
- Manage shortcuts(管理快捷方式)
- Best practices for shortcuts(快捷方式的最佳做法)
App Widgets(应用小部件)
- OverView(概述)
- Build an App Widget(构建应用程序小部件)
- Build an App Widget Host(构建应用程序小部件主机)
Guide to app architecture(应用程序架构指南)
Architecture Components(架构组件)
Adding Components to your Project(给你的项目中添加架构组件)
Layouts and binding expressions(布局和绑定表达式)
Work with observable data objects(使用可观察的数据对象)
Generated binding classes(生成的绑定类)
Intent and intent filters(Intent和Intent过滤器)
- OverView(概述)
- Common intents(通用Intent)
User Interface(用户界面)
- Create a List with RecyclerView(使用RecyclerView创建列表)
BackGround Tasks(后台任务)
Create a background service(创建后台Service)
Send work requests to the background service(向后台Service发送工作请求)
Bound Service(绑定Service)
Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
Sending Operations To Multiple Threads(将操作发送到多个线程)
- OverView(概述)
- Specify the code to run on a thread(指定线程中运行的代码)
- Create a manager for multiple threads(为多线程创建管理者)
- Run code on a thread pool thread(在线程池中运行代码)
- Communicate with the UI thread(与UI线程进行通信)
Best Practices
- 进程和线程——概述