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Android官方文档(Android Developer Guide)翻译项目

Android Developer Guide翻译项目,主要翻译Android Developer Guide官方文档,会不断更新。同时由于本人个人时间精力有限,欢迎大家一起参与这个项目,对于已经翻译完成的部分,如果有不妥之处,欢迎大家即使反馈。目前已翻译完成的文档有:

  • Activities

    • Introduction to activities(Activity介绍)

    • The activity lifecycle(Activity的生命周期)

    • Activity state changes(Activity的状态变化)

    • Test your app's activities(测试你的Activity)

    • Understand Tasks And Back Stack(理解Task和回退栈)

    • Process and Application Lifecycle(进程和应用程序的生命周期)

    • Parcelables and Bundles(Parcelable和Bundle)

    • Fragment

      • Overview(Fragment(概述)
      • Create a Fragment(创建Fragment)
      • Test your fragments(测试Fragment)
      • Build a flexible UI(构建灵活的UI)
      • Communicate with other fragments(与其他Fragment通信)
    • Interact with other apps(与其他应用交互)

      • OverView(概述)
      • Sending the user to another app(将用户导航到另一个APP)
      • Getting a result from an activity(接收另一个Activity返回的结果)
      • Allowing other apps to start your activity(允许其他应用启动您的Activity)
    • Handling app links(处理Android APP Link)

      • OverView(概述)
      • Enabling links to app content(创建指向您内容的DeepLinks)
      • Verify app Links(验证App Links)
      • Create App links for instant app(为Instant APPs创建App Links)
    • Loaders(加载器)

    • Recents Screen(最近任务界面)

    • Multi-Window Support(多窗口支持-分屏)

    • App Short Cuts(App快捷启动方式)

      • OverView(概述)
      • Create shortcuts(创建快捷方式)
      • Manage shortcuts(管理快捷方式)
      • Best practices for shortcuts(快捷方式的最佳做法)
    • App Widgets(应用小部件)

      • OverView(概述)
      • Build an App Widget(构建应用程序小部件)
      • Build an App Widget Host(构建应用程序小部件主机)
    • Guide to app architecture(应用程序架构指南)

  • Architecture Components(架构组件)

    • OverView(概述)

    • Adding Components to your Project(给你的项目中添加架构组件)

    • Layouts and binding expressions(布局和绑定表达式)

    • Work with observable data objects(使用可观察的数据对象)

    • Generated binding classes(生成的绑定类)

    • Intent and intent filters(Intent和Intent过滤器)

      • OverView(概述)
      • Common intents(通用Intent)
  • User Interface(用户界面)

    • Create a List with RecyclerView(使用RecyclerView创建列表)
  • BackGround Tasks(后台任务)

    • Service(服务)

      • OverView(概述)

      • Create a background service(创建后台Service)

      • Send work requests to the background service(向后台Service发送工作请求)

      • Bound Service(绑定Service)

      • Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)

    • Broadcast

    • Sending Operations To Multiple Threads(将操作发送到多个线程)

      • OverView(概述)
      • Specify the code to run on a thread(指定线程中运行的代码)
      • Create a manager for multiple threads(为多线程创建管理者)
      • Run code on a thread pool thread(在线程池中运行代码)
      • Communicate with the UI thread(与UI线程进行通信)
  • Best Practices

    • Performance
      • 进程和线程——概述