ar_lazy_preload icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ar_lazy_preload copied to clipboard

Lazy loading associations for the ActiveRecord models

Results 5 ar_lazy_preload issues
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Follow up on #51. Haven't looked through much of the code yet so this might be a super naïve change. Basically looking to see if tests pass before I start...

Is a full Rails dependency actually necessary for this gem to function? Would love to use it but I'm in the simpler Rack-app land.

Hi @DmitryTsepelev, Could you please help with this case? ```ruby require 'bundler/inline' gemfile(true) do source '' git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" } gem 'activerecord', '= 7.0.6' require "active_record" gem 'ar_lazy_preload' gem...