Dmitry Litvintsev
Dmitry Litvintsev
Pool side log excerpt for the above transfer: ``` 21 Oct 2021 18:22:48 (rw-stkendca1904-2) [door:GFTP-stkendca58a-AAXO5PaVQ-A@gridftp-stkendca58aDomain GFTP-stkendca58a-AAXO5PaVQ-A PoolAcceptFile 0000A44CDD5E64D44A4F8E0C109F3774431A] Transfer forcefully killed: Active transfer cancelled: killed by door: Aborting transfer due...
(I think in this case actually the file did not end up with 0 size replica on pools, It existed in some "ether", cacheinfoof that file showed empty)
The extend of the problem. Overnight, looking got HSM flush errors: ``` [root@fndca2b ~]# for id in $ids; do ssh -p 24223 enstore@fndca3b "\sl $id rep ls $id" | grep...
single line: ``` 21 Oct 2021 18:22:48 (GFTP-stkendca58a-AAXO5PaVQ-A) [door:GFTP-stkendca58a-AAXO5PaVQ-A@gridftp-stkendca58aDomain] Transfer error: 451 Aborting transfer due to session termination ``` (this corresponds to the very first aborted transfer that I started...
SRM activity is rather minimal. By looking in SRM access file I see: ``` 41018 request.method=srmStatusOfBringOnlineRequest 29930 request.method=srmLs 20698 request.method=srmReleaseFiles 14746 request.method=srmPing 14527 request.method=srmPrepareToGet 696 request.method=srmBringOnline 660 request.method=srmAbortFiles 248 request.method=srmPutDone...
SRM is rarely used. Mostly globus-url-copy. Today I scanned all 0 lenth files accumulated so far: ``` psql -t -F ' ' -A -U enstore billing -c "select pnfsid from...
what makes this file special?
Ah, I see. But I should not have. I scanned the pool log foe "HSM flush" errors. Some of these files are not GFTP files and some files are old....
I started with very specific GFTP transfer. You can ignore comment starting with "The extend of the problem. Overnight, looking got HSM flush errors:". I think that one caught unrelated...
``` psql -t -F ' ' -A -U enstore billing -c "select pnfsid from billinginfo where fullsize=0 and protocol in ('GFtp-2.0', 'GFtp-1.0') and errorcode=666 and isnew is true errormessage like...