vzfirewall copied to clipboard
vzfirewall is an extremely simple tool to configure opened ports and hosts for incoming connections in OpenVZ environment
vzfirewall: an extremely simple tool to configure opened ports and hosts for incoming connections in OpenVZ environment (C) dkLab, http://en.dklab.ru/lib/dklab_vzfirewall/
Vzfirewall tool allows you to open/close ports for incoming connections with no dependencies to foreign IP addresses. E.g. you may allow a hostname release.prod.example.com to connect to port 5432 of VE 1234 and leave all other ports closed by modifying 1234.conf file adding multiline FIREWALL directive into it - see SYNOPSIS below.
You must then run vzfirewall -a on your hardware node to apply changes made in *.conf.
Note that it is recommended to use hostnames instead of IP addresses here, so the configuration is persistent for VE movements to different IP-address: you just need to run vzfirewall -a again after movement. It is also reboot-safe, because applied to /etc/sysconfig/iptables (at RHEL systems).
cd /usr/sbin wget http://github.com/DmitryKoterov/vzfirewall/raw/master/vzfirewall chmod +x vzfirewall
Optional: vps.premount action script to ensure vzfirewall is run
(handy when you vzmigrate containers)
cd /etc/vz/conf
(test -f vps.premount && echo "vps.premount exists, manual integration required") || (
wget http://github.com/DmitryKoterov/vzfirewall/raw/master/vps.premount;
chmod +x vps.premount )
Modify the file e.g. /etc/vz/conf/4.conf (note that the whole FIREWALL directive is prefixed by "#" character, because else OpenVZ issues warnings about multi-line directives which are not supported): ... #FIREWALL="
* # means "any host"
* # means "any"
# You may use "$THIS" macro which is replaced by this machine IP
# (and, if the machine has many IPs, it will be multiplicated).
-A INPUT -i eth2 -d $THIS -j ACCEPT
# Or you may use commands with no references to $THIS (only
# such commands are allowed for 0.conf file).
-A INPUT -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
#" ... We use FIREWALL directive in plain VE configs, not in separate files, to allow to vzmigrate it easily from one node to another. Note the "#" characters again.
vzfirewall -a - to apply rules
vzfirewall -t - to test rules with no application
vzfirewall -h -v - vzfirewall documentation