dklab_realsync icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dklab_realsync copied to clipboard

suggestion: include param

Open ursbraem opened this issue 8 years ago • 0 comments

Hi, realsync is awesome. As I haven't been able to find an sftp client for atom that would watch build folders (from gulp etc) on it's own, I started looking for a standalone client. And now found realsync. I've been using it for some time and it hasn't failed once. Thanks!

A suggestion would be to allow an "include" param in the .realsync config file, so you could be certain of what you sync and avoid the risk of deleting files on the server that just didn't happen to be in your local copy.

Like this:

include="dist" # build files from gulp
include="cms/templates" # cms config
# no risk of accidentally deleting that remote 
# /assets/huge-dir-of-uploads-and-images-created-by-the-cms

Cheers, Urs

ursbraem avatar Mar 04 '16 08:03 ursbraem