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softPwm --> ledcWrite
In my application I am using a ESP32 driving a thrystor using 8 bit PWM. According to the manufacturer the minimum PWM frequency should be 1kHz. Using softPwm, this would mean the windowSize should be < 1 (since millis is used). Since in the .cpp, time variables are uint32_t, the maximum frequency using softPwm would be 1kHz, right?
Then what I don't understand is what would happen with the following MAX31856 example: `void loop() { float optimumOutput = tuner.softPwm(relayPin, Input, Output, Setpoint, outputSpan, debounce);
switch (tuner.Run()) { case tuner.sample: // active once per sample during test if (!digitalRead(drdyPin)) Input = maxthermo.readThermocoupleTemperature(); tuner.plotter(Input, Output, Setpoint, 0.5f, 3); // output scale 0.5, plot every 3rd sample break;
case tuner.tunings: // active just once when sTune is done
tuner.GetAutoTunings(&Kp, &Ki, &Kd); // sketch variables updated by sTune
myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, outputSpan * 0.1);
myPID.SetSampleTime(outputSpan - 1);
because when I set outputSpan = 1 (to get the necesarry 1kHz frequency of the PWM) then the PID output will be limited to a max of 0.1.
Would using a function like ledcWrite, which allows frequency to be specified, help solve this issue?