OptiSearch copied to clipboard
OptiSearch | Copilot in Google | Gemini next to Google results
 Microsoft Edge 版本 116.0.1938.69 (正式版本) (64 位)  chrome is fine.
device: windows11 edge browser pixel: 2520 * 938 27-inch monitors, 2k resolution. 
**Prompt:** > A current of 7.4 A flows through a conductor. Calculate how much charge passes through any cross-section of the conductor in 20 seconds **Response:** > 0 who are...
The issue is that DarkReader is inverting the color of Bing Chat icon. You can see the difference in the photos I attached. Both are Bing Chat creative. The first...
Hi Dev, I used all three of your AI extensions for Chrome. Would it be possible to add feature where you can type or chat with AI directly from each...
Hello OptiSearch team, I love your extension that uses Google Bard and Bing Chat, but I have a suggestion. Please add PWA Link Handling for both Google Bard and Bing...
Thank you for adding the conversation style feature for Bing Chat extension. It would be nice if there was an easy button on the widget to choose what conversation style...
Hey, can you add continue conversation for google bard?  something like this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bard-for-google/nfjkjldlkjkgogamkjjifgabbbonmeif
Hey, can you make google snippets/asnwers show on top first then optisearch results? this would be more visually appealing in addition better knowing which helped me. 
Chrome extension fails to respond