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🔒 Password Exposed Helper Function - Check if a password has been exposed in a data breach.

Results 5 password_exposed issues
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In some cases, the response body pulled from the HaveIBeenPwned API can end with a blank space after the final new line characters. When pulled into the `$lines` array, this...

In this method, if the `$line` variable does not contain a colon (e.g., is an empty string), then the call to `list()` will throw an Exception. This exception is...

hi, cant install as a dependemcy from `divineomega/laravel-password-exposed-validation-rule` : ``` Running composer update langleyfoxall/laravel-nist-password-rules Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Your requirements could not be resolved to an...

We had a user in production get a strange error today which seems to originate from this package: ``` rename(/home/sites/15a/5/564543e965/production/releases/161/vendor/divineomega/password_exposed/src/../bundles/ca-certs.json,/home/sites/15a/5/564543e965/production/releases/161/vendor/divineomega/password_exposed/src/../bundles/ca-certs-backup-20210915192000.json): No such file or directory ``` Its only happened once...