GoSublime copied to clipboard
*Not* using margo extension: Error: cannot find package "margo" in any of
Not using margo extension: Error: cannot find package "margo" in any of
[16:12:05] margo: agent#007: log: go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime
[16:12:07] margo: agent#007: log: C:\go\bin\margo.sublime.exe -codec msgpack
[16:12:09] margo: agent#007: log: store.go:137: started
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: restart.go:145: Mg/Restart: exit status 1
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: press ctrl+.
to configure margo or check console for errors
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: Not using margo extension: Error: cannot find package "margo" in any of:
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: C:\go\src\margo (from $GOROOT)
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: D:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text Build\Data\Packages\User\GoSublime\src\margo (from $GOPATH)
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: D:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text Build\Data\Packages\GoSublime\src\margo
[16:12:11] margo: agent#007: log: agent GOPATH is D:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text Build\Data\Packages\User\GoSublime;D:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text Build\Data\Packages\GoSublime
My Golang.sublime.setting is like this :
"env": {
"GOPATH": "E:\go",
"comp_lint_enabled": true,
"comp_lint_commands": [
{"cmd": ["go", "install"]}
"on_save": [
How to resolve this problem?
Did you follow the instructions and press ctrl+.,ctrl+x?
Did you follow the instructions and press ctrl+.,ctrl+x?
My submine press ctrl+.,ctrl+x can't open a window
Did you follow the instructions and press ctrl+.,ctrl+x?
I try to change the Key Bindings to anothor one and opened the margo.go
My submine press ctrl+.,ctrl+x can't open a window
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying the key binding doesn't do anything? You need to press ctrl+., then keep holding ctrl and press x.
In either case, the command is available via the Sublime Text command palette under the name GoSublime: Editor Margo Extension
hi, I get the same problem.
[16:21:07] margo: agent#007: ['C:\\Users\\me\\AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Text 3\\Packages\\GoSublime\\bin\\margo.sh.exe', 'start', 'margo.sublime', '-codec', 'msgpack']
[16:21:07] margo: agent#007: log: ``` go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: ``` "C:\\Users\\me\\AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Text 3\\Packages\\GoSublime\\bin\\margo.sublime.exe" -codec msgpack ```
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: store.go:137: started
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: restart.go:145: Mg/Restart: exit status 1
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: ``` go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: press ` ctrl+. `,` ctrl+x ` to configure margo or check console for errors
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: *Not* using margo extension: Error: cannot find package "margo" in any of:
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: C:\Go\src\margo (from $GOROOT)
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\GoSublime\src\margo (from $GOPATH)
[16:21:08] margo: agent#007: log: C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\GoSublime\src\margo
go version is 1.11
running on windows 10
when i open margo.go
, what should i do to fix the probelm?
thanks. bro.
@justay If you've followed the (admittedly poor) instructions on https://margo.sh/b/migrate/ you just need to save the file and margo should restart automatically.
[10:17:42] margo: agent#010: stopping
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: starting
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: ['/home/alex/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin/margo.sh', 'start', 'margo.sublime', '-codec', 'msgpack']
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: ``` go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: ``` /home/alex/go/bin/margo.sublime -codec msgpack ```
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: store.go:137: started
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: restart.go:145: Mg/Restart: exit status 1
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: ``` go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: press ` ctrl+. `,` ctrl+x ` to configure margo or check console for errors
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: *Not* using margo extension: Error: /home/alex/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/src/margo/margo.go:1:1: expected 'package', found 'import' (and 1 more errors)
[10:17:42] margo: agent#011: log: agent GOPATH is /home/alex/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime:/home/alex/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime
help, how to fix it? What you need to change the file margo?
@rezzovskij See my previous comment https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime/issues/891#issuecomment-446910420
@DisposaBoy Thanks for all the work you've done on GoSublime.
A point of feedback would be to change
press ctrl+.,ctrl+x to configure margo or check console for errors
to fix this, press ctrl+.,ctrl+x to configure margo or check console for errors
(It wasn't clear to me that that was what needed to be done until I found this ticket. Pressing those key combinations did the install and I was able to proceed.)
Otherwise I think this ticket can be closed, no?
@tooolbox I'll take a look when I get a chance. The error message can be improved, but I also think it's a bug. We know ahead of time if the file is missing, so we should generate it by default instead of letting the compilation fail - I think that's how it's supposed to work/worked originally.