Staff-Chat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Staff-Chat copied to clipboard

A staff-chat plugin that hooks into DiscordSRV

DiscordSRV-Staff-Chat is a staff chat plugin that connects to a Discord channel (via DiscordSRV), allowing in-game staff to communicate with staff on Discord.


  • Add DiscordSRV and DiscordSRV-Staff-Chat to your plugins/ directory.
  • Restart the server.
  • Add a staff-chat channel to DiscordSRV's config.
  • Execute: /discord reload or restart the server again.

Adding a staff-chat channel

Add a "staff-chat" entry to DiscordSRV's config. Note: it's very important that this entry is called "staff-chat".

# Channel links from game to Discord
# syntax is Channels: {"in-game channel name from Minecraft": "numerical channel ID from Discord", "another in-game channel name from Minecraft": "another numerical channel ID from Discord"}
Channels: {"global": "000000000000000000", "staff-chat": "000000000000000000"}

Replace all those zeros with your staff chat's channel ID.

Channels: {"global": "000000000000000000", "staff-chat": "337769984539361281"}

Commands & Permissions


Permission: staffchat.access

Aliases: /adminchat, /schat, /achat, /sc, /ac, and /a


  • /staffchat - Toggle automatic staff chat.
  • /staffchat <message> - Send a message to the staff chat.


Permission: staffchat.access

Aliases: /leaveadminchat


  • /leavestaffchat - Stop receiving staff chat messages.
    • Useful to avoid leaking staff chat messages if a staff member is filming or streaming.
    • This can be disabled in the config if you don't want staff members to turn off their staff chat.


Permission: staffchat.access

Aliases: /joinadminchat


  • /joinstaffchat - Start receiving staff chat messages again if you previously left.


Permission: staffchat.access

Aliases: /toggleadminchatsounds


  • /togglestaffchatsounds - Mute or unmute staff chat sounds for yourself.


Permission: staffchat.manage

Aliases: /discordsrv-staff-chat, /discordsrvstaffchat, /discordstaffchat, /discordadminchat, /manageadminchat


  • /managestaffchat - Display plugin information and command usage.
  • /managestaffchat reload - Reload configs.
  • /managestaffchat debug - Enable or disable debugging.