When I run it with any format, it keeps on saying the same. Can you help?
While implementing a job in Java using JDBC api , I am facing issue with PreparedStatement(INSERT) query = "Insert into db.tablename values (?,parseDateTimeBestEffortOrNull`(?))"; ru.yandex.clickhouse.except.ClickHouseException: ClickHouse exception, code: 27, host: clickhouse-distributed.clickhouse.svc.kubernetes.local,...
I am trying to connect to SSL enabled clickhouse from tableau server using following params in odbc.ini ```ini [ClickHouse DSN (ANSI)] Driver = ClickHouse ODBC Driver (ANSI) Description = DSN...
I need to change the code for broadcasting to multiple IP addresses instead of one , Is it possible in this ?
### **application.properties** ``` # Use iceberg sink debezium.sink.type=iceberg # Iceberg sink config debezium.sink.iceberg.table-prefix=debeziumcdc_ debezium.sink.iceberg.upsert=true debezium.sink.iceberg.upsert-keep-deletes=true debezium.sink.iceberg.write.format.default=parquet debezium.sink.iceberg.catalog-name=iceberg # S3 config using JdbcCatalog catalog And S3FileIO debezium.sink.iceberg.type=jdbc debezium.sink.iceberg.catalog-name=iceberg debezium.sink.iceberg.table-namespace=company debezium.sink.iceberg.warehouse=s3://iceberg-cdc-table/warehouse debezium.sink.iceberg.uri=jdbc:mysql://company-db.cluster-cpw2c08moqyr.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/company...
While using samplicator , we are facing packet loss in below scenario: UDP packets are not reaching samplicator reachable destinations when number of unreachable destinations are more than 1 Configure...