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A small library to connect React components to data in a LoopBack API without the need for Flux, Redux, etc.


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A small library to connect React components to data in a LoopBack API without the need for Flux, Redux, etc.

Inspired by Facebook's Relay. The motivation comes from their website:

Queries live next to the views that rely on them, so you can easily reason about your app.


Install using npm:

$ npm install react-loopback

Note that this library depends on fetch and Promise being available globally. I recommend using the following polyfills:

$ npm install es6-promise whatwg-fetch

Then on code:

import {polyfill} from 'es6-promise';
import 'whatwg-fetch';


In your initialization script, set the LoopBack's base URL:

import { config } from 'react-loopback';
config.set('baseUrl', 'http://localhost:3000/api/');

Then in Todo.jsx:

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { createDataLoader } from 'react-loopback';

let Todos = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    todos: PropTypes.array

  render() {
    const {todos} = this.props;

    return (
        { => (
            <input type="checkbox" checked={todo.done} />

Todos = createDataLoader(Todos, {
  queries: [{
    endpoint: 'todos',
    filter: {
      where: {archived: false}

export default Todos;

Now your Todos component will load all your todos automatically from LoopBack server. No need for Flux, Redux, etc.



import { config } from 'react-loopback';

This is the global configuration manager for react-loopback. The current used keys are:

  • baseUrl → The base URL used to communicate with LoopBack REST API.
  • access_token → When set, all further requests will contain the access_token.

config.get(key: string): any

Gets a previously set config.

config.set(key: string, value: any)

Sets a value in the specified key.


import { createDataLoader } from 'react-loopback';

createDataLoader(Component: React.Component, options: object): DataLoader

A wrapper for a React component that manages the data fetching from LoopBack server automatically. The wrapped component will receive the DataLoader instance as dataloader property. And, for each query, two extra parameters will be passed:

  • {name} → The data received from LoopBack API
  • {name}_status → A string that can have the following values:
    • 'loading' → When new data is currently being loaded;
    • 'ok' → When data was correctly loaded;
    • 'error: {error_message}' → When an error occurs.

The options object:

  extendMethods: [           // (Optional) Array of component methods that
    'method_a'               // should still be available on wrapper

  queries: [                 // (Required) Array of queries to be made
      name: 'todo',          // (Optional: defaults to endpoint value)
                             // The name of the property passed to Component
                             // that will contain the fetched data

      endpoint: 'tasks',     // (Required) The endpoint on Loopback server

      filter: {              // (Optional / object or function)
        where: {done: false} // The filter object passed to Loopback API

      filter: function (params) {       // function version of filter
        if (! return false;
        return {
          limit: 30,
          skip: 30 * - 30

      params: {              // (Optional) Default parameters passed to
        page: 1              // filter function

      autoLoad: true,        // When true (default), query will be fetched as
                             // soon as the component is mounted

      transform: 'array',    // Transform function that will receive new data
                             // and return the data passed to inner component.
                             // When equal to 'array' (default), the data is
                             // kept as an array of objects.
                             // When equal to 'object', the data is kept as a
                             // key-value object, where key is the id field.
                             // You can pass a custom function as well.

      transform: function (json, data, filter, params, options) {
                             // Parameters:
                             // json: The new data from LoopBack API
                             // data: The existent data
                             // filter: The filter object used to request data
                             // params: The params object passed to filter function
                             // options: The options object passed to load method
                             // Is recommended that you don't modify the data
                             // parameter. Instead create and return a new
                             // object.
    { ... }


The wrapper component that will manage the data fetching. It is the return value of the createDataLoader function and the value of dataloader property of wrapped component.

DataLoader.load(name: string, param: object, options: object)

Loads data from LoopBack API. Receives the name of the query to be used, the aditional parameters to pass to filter function (if existent) and a options object:

  resetParams: false, // When true, previous parameters will be replaced.
                      // When false (default), they will be merged.

  append: false       // When true, new data will be appended to the old data.
                      // When false (default), new data will replace old data.