Dimitri Huisman
Dimitri Huisman
Additional topics I'd like to discuss: - Discuss scope of 1.8 release. Do we code freeze after last milestone 1.8 items are met? (https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu/milestone/10) - Also go through last items...
Additional topics: - Enhance pull request template to refer to contributing guidelines. Recently we have seen an influx on PRs on a specific version (branch 1.7) instead of master.Thus leading...
- For next release, use a project to keep track of all issues/PRs we want to include. There are SO many issues we could pick up for a new release...
additional topics - Discuss issues #1217 and #1216. Do we want to ship database servers with mailu? We already ship sqllite for the more novice user and people with small...
Only the owners (https://github.com/orgs/Mailu/people) can make you a contributor. I do not mind if more people join the team. I concur with Dario. The first step is to get back...
Obviously we need some kind of agenda for the new meeting. I think it is handy we at least discuss the following. Most points are taken from the previous meeting...
The result from the poll is that we have the meeting on **19:00h (UTC+2) on Wednesday 16th June**
For video conferencing we will use jitsi again. This runs completely in your internet browser. No plugins required. Link for meeting: https://jitsi.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/MailuDevCollab
It happened! We had a new project meeting to discuss the mailu project. That many more meetings may come :smile: Here follow the meeting notes. It is a bit chaotic....
Here are the notes of the latest meeting. # Mailu project meeting 2021-07-14 Present: - Calix - Michael - Nextgens - Parisni - Dimitri ## Previous action points * ~~Migrate...