Dilum Aluthge

Results 176 issues of Dilum Aluthge

Cross-ref: https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/TagBot/issues/157

Registrator made a PR to register `Fastjet_jll.jl`: - https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General/pull/7417 And after `Fastjet_jll.jl` had been in the registry for 23 days, Registrator happily made a PR to register `FastJet_jll.jl`: - https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General/pull/8396...

We have a long list of recommendations/guidelines for automerging. If your package doesn't meet those recommendations/guidelines, it can still be manually merged. But the rule that all packages must have...

I noticed that the version number on master is `0.19.0-DEV`, which suggests that the maintainers of DataStructures.jl are planning on making a breaking 0.19.0 release. Is there a list of...

What needs to be done before we can release JLD2 version 1.0.0? --- Breaking changes we want to make before releasing 1.0: - none --- Nonbreaking changes we would like...

help wanted

```julia julia> using BSON julia> x = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] 3-element Array{String,1}: "foo" "bar" "baz" julia> typeof(x) Array{String,1} julia> bson("test.bson", Dict(:x => x)) ``` Now close Julia and open a...

I am opening this issue so we can keep track of our progress in solving this bug. Currently, BSON is unable to save an array that has one or more...

The below code works fine on Julia 1.5, but gives an error on the latest Julia master. Code: Click to expand ```julia julia> import InteractiveUtils julia> InteractiveUtils.versioninfo(; verbose = true)...


## Summary Traceur + Zygote + nested differentiation = :( ## Minimum working example I've tested this on Julia `1.2.0-rc2.0` and `1.3.0-alpha.0`. Julia 1.2: ```julia julia> using InteractiveUtils, Pkg julia>...