Dilum Aluthge

Results 688 comments of Dilum Aluthge

@ararslan What's the status of this? Is it good to merge (after the merge conflicts are resolved)? Would be nice to get this in.

Bump @ViralBShah @StefanKarpinski

Presumably the next step is for someone to draft a privacy policy? After that, probably would need to have a lawyer look over it before posting it on the website.

Prior art: - https://numfocus.org/privacy-policy - https://github.com/numfocus/privacy-policy >

Well, 1.6 is the current LTS, and 1.7 is the current stable release, so it wouldn't make sense to list 1.6 or 1.7 on that page.

Ah, good point. I guess we don't list old patch releases on that page just to save space? The "correct" way to get the URL would be to parse the...

This is not just an issue when saving an array of arrays. The same problem happens when saving an array of strings. See https://github.com/MikeInnes/BSON.jl/issues/48

Here is some code that recursively fixes the types of array. ```julia function _assigned(a::AbstractArray{T, N})::BitArray{N} where T where N result::BitArray{N} = BitArray{N}(undef, size(a)) for i = 1:length(a) result[i] = isassigned(a,...

## Usage fixtype(a) ## Example 1 ```julia julia> a = Vector{Any}(undef, 5) 5-element Array{Any,1}: #undef #undef #undef #undef #undef julia> a[1] = 1.0 1.0 julia> b = Vector{Any}(undef, 5) 5-element...

My recommendation is to call `fixtype(...)` on every Array you load from BSON. This will make sure that you have the correct types and eltypes.