Tibor Zold

Results 27 comments of Tibor Zold

I am running into the same or similar issue: `2022-05-02T09:41:16.560622935Z {"level":"error","ts":"2022-05-02T09:41:16.560Z","caller":"events/pull_updater.go:14","msg":"running git ls-files . --others: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n: exit status 128","json":{"repo":"orgname/projectname/reponame","pull":"109777"},"stacktrace":"github.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*PullUpdater).updatePull\n\t/home/runner/work/atlantis/atlantis/server/events/pull_updater.go:14\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*ApplyCommandRunner).Run\n\t/home/runner/work/atlantis/atlantis/server/events/apply_command_runner.go:121\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*DefaultCommandRunner).RunCommentCommand\n\t/home/runner/work/atlantis/atlantis/server/events/command_runner.go:259"}`...

I was able to debug this. This error message appears in case you create an additional folder one level above the repo root. For example in case your repo root...

In Azure DevOps the following solution works to properly parse the COMMENT_ARGS variable: `TF_CLI_ARGS=($(echo $COMMENT_ARGS | tr ',' ' ' | sed -r 's/\\(.)/\1/g' | sed "s/'/'/g" | sed "s/"/\"/g"))`...

is there an ETA for this to be released?

Is there any plan to add the extension icon on the top of Safari and the feature so we could disable not all content blockers but only Hush on a...

I am working with @tapaszto who originally opened this thread. Since I can see there are some recent comments here let me share my thoughts. We have been using Atlantis...

@jukie - Thanks for sharing this, I spent some time going over this and I definitely have some questions and thoughts. I went through the [README](https://github.com/lyft/atlantis/blob/release-v0.17.3-lyft.1/server/neptune/README.md) of project Neptune. I...

I like the idea building the platform on Temporal, as I mentioned above, I totally see the benefits. When it comes to use cases and setups, I will try to...

> @Dilergore that looks very cool. Could you show us how you inject the markdown? I am using python as custom scripts, but this would basically work with any scripting...

> Ah that makes sense. Interesting. So you write a python script with print statements to inject html into the output and save a python script on to the container?...