Remove-MS-Store-Apps copied to clipboard
Customisable Windows 10/11 Microsoft Store App removal utility, previously known as Remove-Win10-Apps.
Remove MS Store Apps Utility
Customisable Windows 11/10 Microsoft Store App removal utility, previously known as Remove-Win10-Apps.
For full change log and more information, visit my site.
Remove MS Store Apps Utility is available from:
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Features and Requirements
- The utility will remove specified apps for the current logged on user.
- The utility will remove specified provisioned apps from the system.
- This utility can be used for imaging and OS deployment, as well as single user.
- The utility requires a text file with a list of the apps to remove.
- This utility has been tested on Windows 11 and Windows 10.
How to get a list of apps to remove
To create a text file with a list of the apps to remove, run the following and copy and paste the app names you wish to remove into a txt file and save it.
Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -PCApps
To get a list of apps that are installed for the current user, use this command:
Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -UserApps
How to find the index number of the image in the wim file
Run the following command to find out what images are present in the wim file:
Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath [path\]install.wim | Format-Table -Property ImageIndex, ImageName
App Names Table
Here is a table of app names in PowerShell and what they relate to in Windows.
PowerShell Display Name | App name | Windows 10 Notes | Windows 11 Notes |
Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 | Cortana | New in 2004 | No change |
Microsoft.BingNews | Microsoft News | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.BingWeather | Weather | No change | No change |
Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.GamingApp | Xbox | N/A | Name Changed from XboxApp |
Microsoft.GetHelp | Get Help | No change | No change |
Microsoft.Getstarted | Tips | No change | No change |
Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.Messaging | Messaging | Removed in 2004 | Not present |
Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer | 3D Viewer | No change | Not present |
Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable | Microsoft Edge | New in 21H1 | No change |
Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub | Office | No change | No change |
Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection | Microsoft Solitaire Collection | No change | No change |
Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes | Sticky Notes | No change | No change |
Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal | Mixed Reality Portal | No change | Not present |
Microsoft.Paint | Paint | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.MSPaint | Paint 3D | No change | Not present |
Microsoft.Office.OneNote | OneNote | No change | Not present |
Microsoft.OneConnect | None | Removed in 2004 | Not present |
Microsoft.People | People | No change | No change |
Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop | Power Automate | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.Print3D | Print 3D | Removed in 2004 | Not present |
Microsoft.ScreenSketch | Snip & Sketch | No change | No change |
Microsoft.SecHealthUI | None | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.SkypeApp | Skype | No change | Not present |
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.Todos | Microsoft To Do | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4 | None | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 | None | New in 2004 | No change |
Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.Wallet | None | No change | Not present |
Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WebpImageExtension | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.Windows.Photos | (2) "Photos" and "Video editor" | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsAlarms | Alarms & Clock | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsCalculator | Calculator | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsCamera | Camera | No change | No change |
microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps | (2) "Calendar" and "Mail" | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub | Feedback Hub | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsMaps | Maps | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsNotepad | Notepad | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder | Voice Recorder | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsStore | Microsoft Store | No change | No change |
Microsoft.WindowsTerminal | Terminal | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.XboxApp | Xbox Console Companion | No change | Name changed to GamingApp |
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay | Xbox Game Bar | No change | No change |
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay | None | No change | No change |
Microsoft.YourPhone | Your Phone | No change | No change |
Microsoft.ZuneMusic | Groove Music | No change | No change |
Microsoft.ZuneVideo | Films & TV | No change | No change |
MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience | None | N/A | New in Win 11 21H2 |
Here’s a list of all the command line switches and example configurations.
Command Line Switch | Description | Example |
-List | The full path to the txt file listing the apps to remove. | [path]apps-to-remove.txt |
-Wim | The full path to the wim file to remove the apps from. | [path]install.wim |
-WimIndex | The index number of the image to operate on. | [number] |
-WimMountPath | The full path to a folder that the wim file should be mounted to. If you do not configure this temp dir will be used. | [path] |
-PCApps | List apps that are currently installed on the system. | N/A |
-UserApps | List apps that are currently installed for the user. | N/A |
-L | The path to output the log file to. | [path] |
-LogRotate | Remove logs produced by the utility older than X days | [number] |
-NoBanner | Use this option to hide the ASCII art title in the console. | N/A |
-Help | Display usage information. No arguments also displays help. | N/A |
[path\]Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -List [path\]apps-to-remove.txt
This will remove the apps in the txt file from your Windows installation for all users.