CryptoExportImportManager copied to clipboard
A swift class for exporting and importing public keys to make iOS compatible with the outside cryptographic world.
is it planned to add SPM support? I could help with it =)
Hi, I have exported the key the way you suggest and encrypt the text in server and sending UInt8 Array and i would like to decrypt the data in IOS...
Is there any way to export generated private keys as a PEM string? I need to store an AES encrypted version of that string on a server
Hi there! I'm needing to implement JOSE cryptography into an SDK I'm writing. The blocker I've run into is attempting to convert a JWK (either RSA and EC) into a...
Now in Swift 5 'withUnsafeMutableBytes' is deprecated. var headerBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: kCryptoExportImportManagerASNHeaderLengthForRSA); headerBuffer[0] = kCryptoExportImportManagerASNHeaderSequenceMark;
I also remove unliked UIKit depency to make more applicable CryptoExportImportManager type.