Diederik Bakker
Diederik Bakker
The IP address currently assigned to the SAJ inverter. Can be found in your router, maybe in the SAJ app, maybe on the screen of the inverter (if it has...
You need to connect the SAJ inverter to your home network (the same network Homey is connected to). That should be possible using the web server you already found. Afterwards,...
Can you find any production statistics in that web interface?
@hendrik607 Is there by any chance also a `status.json`? What type of SAJ inverter do you have exactly? I think this is a newer version with a different web interface...
I meant `http://ip/i18n/en/status.json` (just replace `xml` with `json` in your URL). Just paste it here in code tags.
@hendrik607 @POfransz Those are translation files, as far as I can see no production data is in there. @rsimmers Did you find production data in XML format?
Not without more information. Mind you, I don't have this inverter, and not much public documentation is available. I will only be able to implement this when assisted by someone...
@POfransz ModBUS works via UART, no way to connect that to Homey (unless you would add some hardware on the inverter side, not really possible for the average user). The...
> Of course, i / we want to help because this is a nice feature. Tell me how to help. The standard xml seems not to be there. There is...
@nauti23 That would indicate a network issue, could you debug that? My implementation and their implementation are practically functionally identical.