> Also, some tests (eg. point load) may be done more or less directly on the core (sample). Not strictly speaking. The tests would be carried out on a specimen...
> Suggestion to replace "a surface or a volume" by "a body", like in GeoSciML to not restrict representations. eg. along a borehole that would be represent as a line,...
> Geologic unit defined by genesis. The genesis is manifested by material properties, but the material is not the defining property. The geotechnical unit **IS** defined by its material properties.
Simple data requirements: (the following may all be used to create a model they are not exclusive to one particular model) The properties of the layers may or may not...
> * While AGS seems to be "Procedure driven" then same observed/observable properties would then appear with different names / codes depending on the procedure they come from. The AGS...
> An observation is an act associated with a **discrete time instant or period** through which a number, term or other symbol is assigned to a characteristic. Unless I'm missing...
Is the time important for lab tests wrt geomodelling? I guess I'm struggling with the approach being taken. My way of working is to define things that meet the need,...
The important thiing is that the test/observation/result is reported in compliance with the relevant standard/best practice. Any implementation needs to be flexible enough to cope with the variety of requirements...
I think that we need consider the use of a 'geophysical model' quite carefully. Why would we have a geophysical model and not an insitu-testing model, or a lab-testing model?...
Are we defining ground models or activities and objects of ground investigations? The two things are very different.