Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As soon as life outside Android modding gets less hectic I'll take a closer look. Sorry for the delay...
Thank you for submitting this. As soon as life outside Android modding gets less hectic I will evaluate this print and look at getting it integrated into the module. Sorry...
Thank you for submitting this. As soon as life outside Android modding gets less hectic I will evaluate this print and look at getting it integrated into the module. Sorry...
Thank you for opening the github issue, it makes it easier to track bugs. I saw this in the XDA thread the other day, and looked at the logs but...
Thank you for checking in. No updates yet, school and family are currently using up pretty much all my time. Hoping to get some time to debug later this week.
I have not forgotten... Real life is kicking me hard.
Thank you for submitting this. As soon as life outside Android modding gets less hectic I will evaluate this print and look at getting it integrated into the module. Sorry...
Thank you for submitting this. As soon as life outside Android modding gets less hectic I will evaluate this print and look at getting it integrated into the module. Sorry...
Thank you for submitting this. As soon as life outside Android modding gets less hectic I will evaluate this print and look at getting it integrated into the module. Sorry...
@linuxandria What's the output of `cat /proc/mounts`?