react-native-textinput-utils copied to clipboard
A react native extension which allows you to control TextInput better.
Is there any way to reduce size of cursor?
It looks like RCTTextField was removed from RN so this won't build with a RN project running 0.53.0.
Hi there, I wanted to put a toolbar above my keyboard (only when keyboard is showing, and it should slide out with the keyboard), like this, below we see the...
react-native version 0.42 I did the setup for ios as given in docs but my keyboard is not opening on simulator ``` var RCTKeyboardToolbarTextInput = require('react-native-textinput-utils'); dismissKeyboard()} onDone={(dismissKeyboard)=>dismissKeyboard()} /> ```...
"react": "^15.4.2", "react-native": "^0.41.2" I cannot get this library to work, followed the instructions for linking everything properly but when I attempt to use I get the red error below....
Is it possible to change the color of the "Done" button? Would be nice to customize it.
the readme says there's a demo, `RCTTextInputUtilsDemo.xcodeproj`, but I can't found it.