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Code generator for C struct serialization

Cser - Code generator for C struct serialization

Most languages these days provide some sort of automatic serialization support, be it within the language itself (e.g. via introspection) or through common frameworks. For some reason C has failed to attract something useful in this area, and this is what Cser attempts to address.

With Cser you give it a C source file, and tell it to generate serialization and deserialization functions for one or more types, to one or more formats. It then parses the C source, works out all the relevant type dependencies, and then generates the necessary (de)serialization functions for you.

Supported data types and structures

The primary use case for Cser is for internal state persisting and restoring. As such, it is able to handle most of the common data structures, as well as the basic data types (such as ints). Specifically, the following constructs are understood by Cser:

  • Structs

  • Arrays

  • Indirect object (i.e. pointer to something)

  • Single-linked list

  • Zero-terminated list (including C strings and pointer arrays)

  • Variable-length array member in a struct, provided an earlier member in the same struct contains the length.

  • Unions, by way of tagging one of the member variables.

  • Double-linked lists can be handled by omitting the back reference and using a post-processing step to reestablish them after restoring.

Annotations are done using C pragma statements, either via the single-line #pragma foo or, for better readability, the in-line _Pragma("foo") (which the pre-processor rewrites anyway).

Supported backend formats

Currently only two backend formats are supported - binary and XML, but Cser has been designed to make it easy to add further backends. While XML is largely an interchange format, data interchange is not the main purpose of Cser, and because of this the level of control over the resulting XML schema is quite limited.

Binary / raw

The binary backend provides a simple, compact serialization format which is neither wasteful nor optimized. No special encoding or compression is performed, but on the other hand no overhead is added to the data, other than a flag marking whether a pointer is null or not.

The I/O interface is simple and highly flexible. Whenever a structure is (de)serialized, it also takes a function pointer which is responsible for sinking or sourcing the serialized bytes.


The XML backend serializes data to/from basic XML schemas. Data is sunk/sourced in a streaming fashion (as opposed to document). These sink/source functions must be provided by the application, and would typically be wrappers around whatever XML library is in use. As such the I/O interface is quite simple, but not quite as flexible as the binary/raw I/O interface.

As a quick overview, the I/O interface comprises the following prototypes:

extern bool cser_xml_opentag (const cser_xml_tag_t *tag, void *ctx);
extern bool cser_xml_setvalue (const char *value, void *ctx);
extern bool cser_xml_closetag (const char *tagname, void *ctx);
extern bool cser_xml_nexttag (cser_xml_tag_t *tag, void *ctx);
extern char *cser_xml_getvalue (void *ctx);


To demonstrate most of the constructs supported by Cser, consider a header file containing the type definitions for which we want serializers:

#include <stdint.h>

typedef struct example
  int16_t a;
  int16_t *b;
  uint32_t c[3];
  char *str;
  unsigned long num_bytes;
  uint8_t *bytes _Pragma("cser varlen:num_bytes");
} example_t;

typedef struct node
  union {
    uint64_t all _Pragma("cser select");
    struct {
      uint8_t byte[8];
    } each;
  struct node *next;
} node_t;

The example_t type shows off plain data, pointer-to-data, array of data, zero-terminated array (default assumption for char*), as well as a variable-length array. Note the use of an in-line pragma to link the bytes pointer to the num_bytes member.

In the small linked list type node_t we see how a union member can be serialized, by specifying which aspect to use during serialization.

To generate binary serialization support for these types, feed in the pre-processed source to Cser like so:

$ cc -E example.h | ./cser -o example_serializers -b raw -i example.h -v example_t node_t

typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef short int int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef long int int64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
typedef signed char int_least8_t;
typedef short int int_least16_t;
typedef int int_least32_t;
typedef long int int_least64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint_least16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_least64_t;
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
typedef long int int_fast16_t;
typedef long int int_fast32_t;
typedef long int int_fast64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast64_t;
typedef long int intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long int uintptr_t;
typedef long int intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long int uintmax_t;
typedef struct {
  short int a;
  short int* b;
  unsigned int[3] c;
  char* /*zeroterm*/ str;
  unsigned long num_bytes;
  unsigned char* /*varlen:num_bytes*/ bytes;
} struct example;

typedef struct example example_t;
warning: ignoring unsupported member on line 114
warning: ignoring unsupported member on line 115
typedef struct {
  unsigned long int all;
  struct node* next;
} struct node;

warning: ignoring unmentionable struct/union on line 117
typedef struct node node_t;

Here we ran with -v to have Cser list the type definitions it builds up, together with relevant annotations - this can be very useful for verifying that it's doing what you want it to do.

You might also note a few warnings being printed. In this case they are harmless, though annoying, referring to the unused union members. Fixing these warnings would be nice - patches are welcome!

The resulting code has been placed in example_serializers.h and example_serializers.c. Inspecting the header file we find the prototypes and type definitions, with some comments:

/* The callback functions take a buffer, a length, and an opaque */
/* pointer which is passed through. They MUST return zero (0) on */
/* success. Any non-zero value is treated as an error and bubbled*/
/* back up to the caller. Note that "short" reads and writes   */
/* are NOT used or supported in this interface, unlike that of   */
/* read(2)/write(2).                                             */
typedef int (*cser_raw_write_fn) (const uint8_t *bytes, size_t n, void *q);
typedef int (*cser_raw_read_fn) (uint8_t *bytes, size_t n, void *q);

int cser_raw_store_struct_node (const struct node *val, cser_raw_write_fn w, void *q);
int cser_raw_load_struct_node (struct node *val, cser_raw_read_fn r, void *q);
int cser_raw_store_struct_example (const struct example *val, cser_raw_write_fn w, void *q);
int cser_raw_load_struct_example (struct example *val, cser_raw_read_fn r, void *q);

Once you have implemented sink and source functions matching the cser_raw_write_fn and cser_raw_read_fn prototypes, you can start serializing and deserializing:

node_t *my_list = ...
if (!cser_raw_store_struct_node (my_list, writer_fn, out_file))
  whinge ("serialization failed");

node_t *loaded_list = 0;
if (!cser_raw_load_struct_node (loaded_list, reader_fn, in_file))
  whinge ("deserialization failed");

Cser pragmas

  • zeroterm Mark a pointer member as being a zero-terminated array. This is the default for char * members.

  • single Mark a pointer member as only pointing to a single element. This is only needed to override the default on char * members.

  • varlen:[num_member] Mark a pointer member as being of variable length, with the number of items (not bytes!) available in the num_member member. Said member MUST be listed before the pointer member in the struct, as Cser does not at this point support clever reordering.

  • select Specifies the aspect of a union member to use for serialization. By default unions are not serializable as there is no way for Cser to know which aspect will be valid at the point of serialization. Using this pragma allows the user to tell Cser that he/she knows better. Use with caution.

  • omit Instructs Cser to ignore the marked member altogether. The storage for it will be zero-initialized on load. This feature is useful if the persisted construct also contains cached data which is not needed or appropriate to persist.

  • emit The inverse of omit. Currently no use case is known, but it seemed appropriate (and trivial) to implement together with omit.

Command line options

  • -o [basename] Sets the basename of the output files. The default is 'out'.

  • -b [backend] Specifies the backend to use (e.g. 'xml', 'raw'). The default is 'raw'. Multiple backends may be specified using multible -b options.

  • -i [header] Force 'header' to be #include'd in the generated header file. Typically the same header file which is used as input will be listed here to make the generated code free-standing.

  • -v Verbose mode. Causes Cser to print the type definitions as it processes them, complete with annotations. Useful for troubleshooting.

  • -h Shows the help.

  • [typename...] The typenames to generate serialization support for.


  • Does Cser provide automatic versioning?

    No, at this stage Cser does not provide automatic versioning. It is however quite straight forward to achieve backwards compatibility manually by versioning the struct definitions themselves though.

  • Pragmas are ugly, can I use macros?

    Yes. The only tricky one is the varlen macro, but it can be handled using this construct:

    define _MKSTRb(x) #x

    define _MKSTR(x) _MKSTRb(x)

    define VARLEN(x) _Pragma(_MKSTR(cser varlen:x))

    You can then use it like this:

    struct { unsigned num; int *items VARLEN(num); } foo_t;

  • What if I want my binary serialization to include different fields than my XML serialization of the same type?

    The C pre-processor has you covered here too. As an example:

    #ifdef SERGEN_XML

    define XML_OMIT _Pragma("cser omit")

    define RAW_OMIT

    #elif SERGEN_RAW

    define XML_OMIT

    define RAW_OMIT _Pragma("cser omit")


    define XML_OMIT

    define RAW_OMIT


    struct { int a XML_OMIT; signed b RAW_OMIT; } bar_t;

    Then simply pre-process with -DSERGEN_XML or -DSERGEN_RAW to get the Cser pragmas applied where you want them.

Known issues

  • Some of the warnings produced are unwarranted and spurious.

  • Union support is limited and not fully tested.

  • Function pointers can confuse the parser and cause errors.

  • Including system headers frequently leads to lots of warnings due to the weird and wonderful approaches commonly found in such headers.

  • The XML backend has one potential memory leak in one of the failure paths.