UltimateRingtonePicker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UltimateRingtonePicker copied to clipboard

An Android music picker library for picking alarm, notification or ringtones sound using an Activity or a dialog.


Pick ringtone, notification, alarm sound and ringtone files from external storage with an activity or a dialog


  • Respects Scoped Storage(MediaStore is used)
  • Available as an Activity and a Dialog
  • Options to pick alarm sound, notification sound, ringtone sound, and external ringtones.
  • Ringtone preview
  • An interface to set a default entry
  • An interface to add custom ringtone entries
  • Sorted external ringtones with artists, albums and folders
  • Automatically remembers which external ringtones users have picked
  • Multi-select
  • Dark theme support out of box
  • Permissions are handled internally
  • Storage Access Framework support

The library is inspired by AOSP DeskClock RingtonePickerActivity.


Activity Dialog Dark

Gradle Dependency

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

The Newest Version

dependencies {
    implementation 'xyz.aprildown:UltimateRingtonePicker:3.1.0'


Demo APK and examples in the MainActivity.

0. Add Permission

Add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> to your Manifest if you are not going to use Storage Access Framework.

1. Create an UltimateRingtonePicker.Settings

val settings = UltimateRingtonePicker.Settings(
    systemRingtonePicker = UltimateRingtonePicker.SystemRingtonePicker(
        customSection = UltimateRingtonePicker.SystemRingtonePicker.CustomSection(),
        defaultSection = UltimateRingtonePicker.SystemRingtonePicker.DefaultSection(),
        ringtoneTypes = listOf(
    deviceRingtonePicker = UltimateRingtonePicker.DeviceRingtonePicker(
        deviceRingtoneTypes = listOf(

2. Launch the picker

  • Launch the Activity picker

    1. Add the Activity to the manifest.

      <activity android:name="xyz.aprildown.ultimateringtonepicker.RingtonePickerActivity" />

    2. Start Activity

              context = this,
              settings = settings,
              windowTitle = "Activity Picker"
    3. Get the result

      override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
          super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
          if (requestCode == 123 && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) {
              val ringtones = RingtonePickerActivity.getPickerResult(data)
  • Launch the dialog picker

    1. Show the dialog

          settings = settings,
          dialogTitle = "Dialog!"
      ).show(supportFragmentManager, null)
    2. Get the result

      Implement UltimateRingtonePicker.RingtonePickerListener in your activity or fragment.

      override fun onRingtonePicked(ringtones: List<UltimateRingtonePicker.RingtoneEntry>) {

    Alternatively, you can launch the dialog and get the result without implementing the interface, but the dialog will be dismissed in onPause:

        settings = settings,
        dialogTitle = "Dialog",
        listener = object : UltimateRingtonePicker.RingtonePickerListener {
            override fun onRingtonePicked(ringtones: List<UltimateRingtonePicker.RingtoneEntry>) {
    ).show(supportFragmentManager, null)


UltimateRingtonePicker supports activity pick RingtonePickerActivity and dialog pick RingtonePickerDialog out of the box. Both of them are just wrappers of RingtonePickerFragment. Therefore, you can directly wrap RingtonePickerFragment into your activity/fragment to provide more customization!


MIT License