Phoenix-Clipper-Malware icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Phoenix-Clipper-Malware copied to clipboard

💸 Hiden Clipper Keyzetsu + Auto-Run + Hiden Installer + ByPass Antiviruses, wallets in clipboard (btc,bch,eth,ton,xmr,xrp,xlm,nec,ltc,doge,dash,trx,zcash,bnb,ton...)

For update, the code will be uploaded on 20/03/2024 Fenix Clipper Wallets + Auto-Run + Hiden Installer + ByPass Antiviruses

🇺🇸 Clipper is written in C# and replaces it with the most similar one by the first and last characters from your list of wallets. It has a hidden installation in the system, auto-loading and bypassing popular antiviruses, it is removed from the place of the initial launch.
🇷🇺 Клиппер написан на C#, умеет подменять кошельки на похожие по первым и последним символам, находя самый похожий кошелек из вашего списка, это увеличивает шансы что жертва не заметит подмены. Имеет скрытую установку в систему, авто-загрузку и обход популярных антивирусов, удаляется с места первоначального запуска.

# :construction: Disclaimer

This program is for educational purposes only.

How you use this program is your responsibility.

I will not be held accountable for any illegal activities.

💰 Wallets:

  • [x] Bitcoin - 1*** 3*** bc1***
  • [x] Ethereum All Tokens - 0x***

    All Tokens, USDT, ETC...

  • [x] Monero - 4*** 8***
  • [x] Stellar - G***
  • [x] Ripple - r***
  • [x] Neocoin - A***
  • [x] Bitcoin Cash - bitcoincash:*** q*** p***
  • [x] Dogecoin - D***
  • [x] Litecoin - M*** L***
  • [x] Dashcoin - X***
  • [x] Tron - T***
  • [x] ZCash - t1***
  • [x] Binance - bnb***
  • [x] TON Coin

⚙️ Builder:


If you want to build from the source these are the requirements.


Install additional NuGet packages.

  • [DNLib 3.5.0]
  • [IconExtractor 1.0.1]
  • [Vestris.ResourceLib 2.1.0]
  • [MetroModernUI 1.4.0]

Runtime requirements.